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蒲松龄(1640年6月5日-1715年2月25日),字留仙,又字剑臣,号柳泉居士,世称聊斋先生,自称异史氏。淄川(今山东省淄博市淄川区)城外蒲家庄人。 清代著名的小说家、文学家。

Book Abstract

王成 王成,平原故家子,性最懒。生涯日落,惟剩破屋数间,与妻卧牛衣中 ,交谪不堪。时盛夏燠热,村外故有周氏园,墙宇尽倾,惟存一亭。村人多 寄宿其中,王亦在焉。既晓,睡者尽去;红日三竿,王始起,逡巡欲归。见 草际金钗一股,拾视之,镌有细字云:“仪宾府造。”王祖为衡府仪宾,家 中故物,多此款式,因把钗踌躇。焱一妪来寻钗。王虽故贫,然性介,遽出 授之。妪喜,极赞盛德,日:“钗值几何,先夫之遗泽也。”问:“夫君伊 谁?”答云:“故仪宾王柬之也。”王惊日:“吾祖也。何以相遇?”妪亦惊 日:“汝即王柬之之孙耶?我乃狐仙。百年前,与君祖缱绻。君祖殁,老身 遂隐,过此遗钗,适人子手,非天数耶!”王亦曾闻祖有狐妻,信其言,便 邀临顾。妪从之。王呼妻出见,负败絮,菜色黯焉。妪叹日:“嘻!王柬之 孙子,乃一贫至此哉!”又顾败灶无烟,日:“家计若此,何以聊生?”妻因 细述贫状,呜咽饮泣。妪以钗授妇,使姑质钱市米,三日外请复相见。王挽 留之。妪日:“汝一妻不能自存活;我在,仰屋而居,复何裨益?”遂径去 。王为妻言其故,妻大怖。王诵其义,使姑事之,妻诺。逾三日,果至。出 数金,籴粟麦各一石。夜与妇共短榻。妇初惧之,然察其意殊拳拳,遂不之 疑。 翌日,谓王日:“孙勿惰,宜操小生业,坐食乌可长也!”王告以无资 。日:“汝祖在时,金帛凭所取,我以世外人,无需是物,故未尝多取,积 花粉之金四十两,至今犹存。久贮亦无所用,可将去,悉以市葛,刻日赴都 ,可得微息。”王从之,购五十余端以归。妪命趣装,计六七日可达燕都。 嘱日:“宜勤勿懒,宜急勿缓;迟之一日,悔之已晚!”王敬诺,囊货就路 。中途遇雨,衣履浸濡。王生平未历风霜,委顿不堪,因暂休旅舍。不意淙 淙彻暮,檐雨如绳。过宿,泞益甚。见往来行人,践淖没胫,心畏苦之。待 至亭午,始渐燥,而阴云复合,雨又大作。信宿乃行。将近京,传闻葛价翔 贵,心窃喜。人都,解装客店,主人深惜其晚。先是,南道初通,葛至绝少 。贝勒府购致甚急,价顿昂,较常可三倍。前一日方购足,后来者并皆失望 。主人以故告王,王郁郁不乐。越日,葛至愈多,价益下。王以无利不肯售 ,迟十余日,计食耗烦多,倍益忧闷。主人劝令贱鬻,改而他图。从之。亏 资十余两,悉脱去。早起,将作归计,遍视囊中,则金亡矣。惊告主人。主 人无所为计。或劝鸣官,责主人偿。王叹日:“此我数也,于主人何尤?” 主人闻而德之,赠金五两,慰之使归。自念无以见祖母,蹀踱内外,进退维 谷。 适见斗鹑者,一赌辄数千;每市一鹑,恒百钱不止。意忽动,计囊中资 ,仅足贩鹑,以商主人。主人亟怂悬之,且约假寓饮食,不取其直。王喜, 遂行。购鹑盈儋,复人都。主人喜,贺其速售。至夜,大雨彻曙。天明,衢 水如河,淋零犹未休也。居以待晴。连绵数日,更无休止。起视笼中,鹑渐 死。王大惧,不知计之所出。越日,死愈多;仅余数头,并一笼饲之;经宿 往窥,则一鹑仅存。因告主人,不觉涕堕。主人亦为扼腕。王自度金尽罔归 ,但欲觅死。主人劝慰之。共往视鹑。审谛之,日:“此似英物。诸鹑之死 ,未必非此之斗杀之也。君暇,亦无所事,请把之;如其良也,赌亦可以谋 生。”王如其教。既驯,主人令持向街头,赌酒食。鹑健甚,辄赢。主人喜 ,以金授王,使复与子弟决赌,三战三胜。半年许,积二十金。心益慰,视 鹑如命。先是,大亲王好鹑,每值上元,辄放民间把鹑者入邸相角。主人谓 王日:“今大富宜可立致;所不可知者,在子之命矣。”因告以故,导与俱 往。嘱日:“脱败,则丧气出耳。倘有万分一,鹑斗胜,王必欲市之,君勿 应;如固强之,惟予首是瞻,待首肯而后应之。”王日:“诺。”至邸,则 鹑人摩肩于墀下。顷之,王出御殿。左右宣言:“有愿斗者上。”即有一, 人把鹑,趋而进。王命放鹑,客亦放;略一腾踔,客鹑已败。王大笑。王命 把鹑者再进。俄顷,登而败者数人。主人日:“可矣。”相将俱登。王相之 ,日:“睛有怒脉,此健羽也,不可轻敌。”命取铁喙者当之。一再腾跃, 而王鹑铩羽。更选其良,再易再败。王急命取宫中玉鹑。片时把出,素羽如 鹭,神骏不凡。王成意馁,跪而求罢,日:“大王之鹑,神物也,恐伤吾禽 ,丧吾业矣。”王笑日:“纵之。脱斗而死,当厚尔偿。”成乃纵之。玉鹑 直奔之。而玉鹑方来,则伏如怒鸡以待之;玉鹑健啄,则起如翔鹤以击之; 进退颉颃,相持约一伏时。玉鹑渐懈,而其怒益烈,其斗益急。未几,雪毛 摧落,垂翅而逃。观者千人,罔不叹羡。王乃索取而亲把之,自喙至爪,审 周一过,问成日:“鹑可货否?”答云:“小人无恒产,与相依为命,不愿 售也。”王日:“赐尔重值,中人之产可致。颇愿之乎?”成俯思良久,日 :“本不乐置;顾大王既爱好之,苟使小人得衣食业,又何求?”王问直, 答以千金。王笑日:“痴男子!此何珍宝,而千金直也?”成日:“大王不以 为宝,臣以为连城之璧不过也。”王日:“如何?”日:“小人把向市廛, 日得数会,易升斗粟,一家十余食指,无冻馁忧,是何宝如之?”王言:“ 予不相亏,便与二百金。”成摇首,又增百数。成目视主人,主人色不动。 乃日:“承大王命,请减百价。”王日:“休矣!谁肯以九百金易一鹑者!” 成囊鹑欲行。王呼日:“鹑人来,鹑人来!实给六百。肯则售,否则已耳。 ”成又目主人,主人仍自若。成心愿盈溢,惟恐失时,日:“以此数售,心 实怏怏;但交而不成,则获戾滋大。无已,即如王命。”王喜,即秤付之。 成囊金,拜赐而出。主人怼日:“我言如何,子乃急自鬻也?再少靳之,八 百金在掌中矣。”成归,掷金案上,请主人自取之,主人不受。又固让之, 乃盘计饭直而受之。 王治装归,至家,历述所为,出金相庆。妪命置良田三百亩,起屋作器 ,居然世家。妪早起,使成督耕,妇督织;稍惰,辄诃之。夫妇相安,不敢 有怨词,过三年,家益富。妪辞欲去。夫妻共挽之,至泣下。妪亦遂止。旭 旦候之,已杳矣。 异史氏曰:“富皆得于勤;此独得于惰,亦创闻也。不知一贫彻骨,而 至性不移,此天所以始弃之而终怜之也。懒中岂果有富贵乎哉!” P117-120

蒲松龄生于明崇祯十三年(1640),卒于清康熙五十四年(1715);字留仙,号剑臣,别号柳泉居士;山东淄川县(今淄博市淄川区)蒲家庄人。他的家族,明万历以来也曾“科甲相继”;但至蒲松龄时代,“为寡食众,家以日落。”(《述刘氏行实》)分居后,蒲松龄“数椽风雨之庐,十亩荆榛之产;卖文为活,废学从儿;纳税倾囊,愁贫任妇。”(《呈石年张县公俚谣序》) 十九岁,“初应童子试,即以县、府、道三第一,补博士弟子员。”(张元《柳泉蒲先生墓表》)此后则屡挫于乡试,以岁贡终老。他一生,除了去扬州府宝应县充当幕宾一年,均设帐于缙绅之家;而在同邑西铺毕际有家时间最长,设馆三十年,七十岁才归老家居。七十六岁辞世。
清初人民饱经兵燹战乱,其心灵创伤尚未平复。《聊斋志异》有不少篇目,隐约曲折地展示了那个时代的劫难。举凡明末北兵入寇的“齐地大乱” 、“济南大劫”,清初的“姜壤之变”、“三藩之乱”、“谢迁之变”、“ 于七之难”,《聊斋志异》都曾触及,虽然含蓄迷离,但都倾向鲜明:诅咒兵连祸结,悼念受害人民。怀着对人民的深切同情,《聊斋志异》更把批判的锋芒指向整个社会,斥之为“强梁世界”(《成仙》)。在这个社会里,“ 天子一跬步,皆关民命”(《促织》);封建官府像阴司一样暗昧(《席方平》);高级官僚恶德满盈(《续黄粱》),下级官吏鄙琐贪婪(《梅女》),衙门公役则“无有不可杀者”(《伍秋月》);至于地方豪绅,更是依财仗势,横行乡里。《聊斋志异》刺贪刺虐,全无畏忌。
明清两代用八股取士,以强化其政治统治。蒲松龄五十一岁才放弃应举,虽然他还不能自觉地否定这个制度,然而他却能从旧垒中反戈一击,揭露科举的弊端与丑恶。《聊斋志异》有相当数量的篇目,以嬉笑怒骂之笔讥刺科场衡文不公以及贿赂公行。司衡无目,盖因帘内诸官只熟悉八股滥调,不谙德业文章,无能识别真才(《司文郎》、《贾奉雉》)。学官贪冒,则不仅 “学使之门如市”(《神女》),而且“考弊司”竞定例割髀肉为贽(《考弊司》)。读书人对此却帖耳忍受,心无愧耻;俸进者则高官厚禄,作威作福( 《续黄粱》),失意者则嗒然若死,如饵毒之蝇(《王子安》)。蒲松龄晚年诗作《历下吟》写省城试士的丑态,不禁慨叹:“此中求伊周,亦复可恻怆。”《聊斋志异》抨击科举的作品,也都流露出此种恻怆的心情。
《聊斋志异》各类题材的作品都有自己的审美追求,其中描写婚姻爱情的作品表现得尤为鲜明。在蒲松龄那个时代,封建的因袭观念大都开始动摇,“甚至骨肉之间,亦用机械,家庭之内,亦蓄戈矛”(《为人要则》)。《聊斋志异》描写家庭纠葛的作品,往往把青年一代视作冲决封建礼教的主要力量。封建社会鄙视妇女,《聊斋志异》却以大量篇目,塑造了许许多多天生丽质,从不同角度展示她们的美好情操和过人才能。例如:颜氏之才,乔女之德;翩翩之仙,葛巾之神;婴宁的天真,蕙芳的纯朴;素秋的淡泊,黄英的通达;娇娜的洒脱,青凤的痴情;等等。她们人各一面,全非世俗男子所能比拟。封建社会严男女之大防,《聊斋志异》则借助浪漫主义的奇想,赋予青年男女以极大的互爱自由。作品认为:“礼缘情制;情之所在,异族何殊焉”(《素秋》);“天下惟真才人为能多情,不以妍媸易念也”(《瑞云》)。作品呼唤真情,反对“以礼节情”,因而对知己相爱或钟情不移者备加赞扬,而对虚伪矫情或欺骗爱情者则予以谴责。作者意识到爱情是婚姻的基础,因而确认男女婚姻,“此自百年事,父母止主其半”(《青蛙神》) 。作品所赞扬的大多是自媒自主的婚姻;这在当时不是已经存在的现实,而是应该实现的理想。蒲松龄的审美情操,的确高人一等;纵然杂有些微糟粕,毕竟瑕不掩瑜。
作为“孤愤之书”,浓烈的感情色彩和超俗的审美追求,为《聊斋志异》创作艺术的主要特征。作者在创作时,往往驰想天外,神与物游:“遄飞逸兴,狂固难辞;永托旷怀,痴且不讳。”(《聊斋自志》)这种感兴飞动的激情,恰足以表现幻异小说的奇诡。在各类作品中,既有金刚怒目的愤激,也有童心展现的温情;既有口诛笔伐,也有幽默讽嘲。诸般幻异故事,都具有扣人心弦的艺术魅力。《聊斋志异》的问世,使得一度沉寂的中国文言小说重现光辉,在艺术上取得了突破性的进展,其实质是在发扬中国文学优秀传统基础上的艺术创新。蒲松龄有丰厚的文学修养,他不仅“用传奇法,而以志怪”,而且自觉地发扬楚骚的创作精神。其《聊斋自志》谓:“披萝带荔,三闾氏感而为骚;牛鬼蛇神,长爪郎吟而成癖。自鸣天籁,不择好音,有由然矣。”《聊斋》为文,狂狷傲世,不遵矩度,盖亦步武楚骚,直抒胸臆,不择好音。《聊斋志异》每于篇后仿《史记》的“太史公日”,添加“ 异史氏日”论赞一段,把艺术具象的意蕴径直地表达出来。全书有“异史氏日”近二百则,为数之多,用意之深,均不同于唐传奇偶尔加入的议论体例。这一形式的采用,是对《史记》美学思想的自觉发扬。盖蒲松龄“长命不犹”、“仅成孤愤之书”与司马迁“意有所郁结”、“发愤之所为作”,两者之间有其相通会意之处。鲁迅先生称《史记》为“无韵之《离骚》”。《聊斋》则把楚骚的艺术传统用之于小说,遂使中国文言小说艺术再生奇葩。
朱其铠 一九九二年二月


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Yami is committed to provide our customers with a peace of mind when purchasing from us. Most items shipped from Yamibuy.com can be returned within 30 days of receipt of shipment (For Food, Beverages, Snacks, Dry Goods, Health supplements, Fresh Grocery and Perishables Goods, within 7 days of receipt of shipment due to damages or quality issues; To ensure that every customer receives safe and high-quality products, we do not provide refunds or returns for beauty products once they have been opened or used, except in the case of quality issues; Some products may have different policies or requirements associated with them, please see below for products under special categories, or contact Yami Customer Service for further assistance).
Thank you for your understanding and support.

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Sold by Yami

Terms and Conditions of Yami E-Gift Card

If you choose “Redeem automatically” as your delivery method, your gift card balance will be reload automatically after your order has been processed successfully;

If you choose “Send to Email”as your delivery method, the card number and CVV will be sent to the email address automatically;

Any user can use the card number and CVV to redeem the gift card, please keep your gift card information safely. If you have any trouble receiving email, please contact Yami customer service;

Yami gift card can be used to purchase both Yami owned or Marketplace products;

Yami gift card will never expire;

Yami gift card balance does not have to be used up at once;

All rights reserved by Yami.

Return Policy

Gift card that has already been consumed is non-refundable.

Sold by JD@CHINA

Service Guarantee

Yami Free Shipping over $49
Yami Easy Returns
Yami Ships from United States


  • United States

    Standard Shipping is $5.99 (Excluding Alaska & Hawaii). Free on orders of $49 or more.

    Local Express is $5.99 (Available in Parts of CA, NJ, MA & PA). Free on orders of $49 or more.

    2-Day Express (Includes Alaska & Hawaii) starts at $19.99.

Return Policy

You may return product within 30 days upon receiving the product. Items returned must be new in it's original packing, including the original invoice for the purchase. Customer return product at their own expense.

Sold by JD@CHINA

Service Guarantee

Yami Cross-store Free Shipping over $69
Yami 30-days Return

Yami-China FC

Yami has a consolidation warehouse in China which collects multiple sellers’ packages and combines to one order. Our Yami consolidation warehouse will directly ship the packages to your door. Cross-store free shipping over $69.

Return Policy

You may return products within 30 days upon receiving the products. Sellers take responsibilities for any wrong shipment or missing items. Packing needs to be unopened for any other than quality issues return. We promise to pack carefully, but because goods are taking long journey to destinations, simple damages to packaging may occur. Any damages not causing internal goods quality problems are not allowed to return. If you open the package and any quality problem is found, please contact customer service within three days after receipt of goods.

Shipping Information

Yami Consolidation Service Shipping Fee $9.99(Free shipping over $69)

Sellers in China will ship their orders within 1-2 business days once the order is placed. Packages are sent to our consolidation warehouse in China and combined there. Our Yami consolidation warehouse will directly ship the packages to you via UPS. The average time for UPS to ship from China to the United States is about 10 working days and it can be traced using the tracking number. Due to the pandemic, the delivery time may be delayed by about 5 days. The package needs to be signed by the guest. If the receipt is not signed, the customer shall bear the risk of loss of the package.

Sold by JD@CHINA

Service Guarantee

Free shipping over 69
Genuine guarantee


Yami Consolidated Shipping $9.99(Free shipping over $69)

Seller will ship the orders within 1-2 business days. The logistics time limit is expected to be 7-15 working days. In case of customs clearance, the delivery time will be extended by 3-7 days. The final receipt date is subject to the information of the postal company.

Yami Points information

All items are excluding from any promotion or points events on Yamibuy.com

Return Policy

You may return product within 30 days upon receiving the product. Items returned must be new in it's original packing, including the original invoice for the purchase. Customer return product at their own expense.


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