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Content Description

Author Description

[美]德米戴克英语研究机构,创立于1994年,其团队成员多数毕业于美国知名大学。主要出版与SAT、TOEFL等考试相关的教材,以及各类英语学习书,致力于帮助学习者系统学习地道英语,著有《DemiDec TOEFL iBT Intensive》《DemiDec TOEFL iBT Essential》《Academic Power Reading》等一系列深受读者好评的英语畅销书。

本书特点 18-19P
本书的使用方法 20-21P
日常问候 24-26P
熟人之间的问候 26-29P
陌生人之间的问候 30-32P
和天气有关的对话 32-34P
和时间有关的对话 35-37P
开始对话 40-41P
表达意见 41-43P
询问对方的意见 43-44P
提议及说服 44-46P
赞成及反对 46-48P
理解对话内容 49-50P
专注于谈话 51-52P
避免偏离主题 52-53P
结束对话 53-55P
正式讨论中常用的句型 55-56P
Chapter 03 情感 EMOTIONS
幸福/兴奋/感动 59-60P
祝贺及祝愿 60-64P
感谢 64-66P
满意/自信/放心 66-69P
惊讶/尴尬/害怕/担心 69-71P
悲伤/失望/绝望 72-74P
安慰 74-75P
鼓励及称赞 75-76P
愤怒/不快/不满/怀疑 77-81P
追究责任及辩解 81-83P
道歉及和解 84-85P
原谅 85-86P
视觉 89-91P
嗅觉 91-92P
听觉 93-95P
味觉 95-96P
触觉 97-99P
颜色和亮度 99-103P
干净 103-104P
重量/长度/强度 104-107P
旧和新 107-108P
体重/体型/身高 111-114P
脸 114-116P
整容手术 117-118P
衣着 118-120P
善良或尖酸刻薄 121-124P
开朗或忧郁 124-126P
慷慨或吝啬 126-128P
自私或体贴 129-130P
社交能力 130-131P
Chapter 06 恋爱和结婚 LOVE AND MARRIAGE
相亲 134-138P
约会 138-142P
结婚 142-145P
怀孕及分娩 145-149P
欺骗/决裂/离婚 149-151P
Chapter 07 与家人一起 WITH THE FAMILY
家庭关系 154-156P
关于晚餐的对话 156-161P
家务活 161-164P
家电及家具 165-169P
招待客人 169-173P
和子女的对话 173-177P
在家里可能会遇到的各种问题 178-180P
Chapter 08 校园生活 IN SCHOOL
交朋友 183-185P
学业及其他活动 185-191P
毕业 192-194P
Chapter 09 职场生活 AT WORK
面试 197-201P
工作 202-209P
工作福利 209-210P
人事 211-212P
商务会议与推介 212-216P
签约与协商 216-221P
出差 222-225P
商务邮件 225-228P
使用办公器材 228-230P
辞职与离职 230-232P
Chapter 10 电话用语 ON THE TELEPHONE
一般电话 235-239P
业务电话 239-241P
订购电话 241-243P
客服电话 243-244P
手机及智能手机 247-250P
博客 251-252P
社交网络 252-253P
网络 253-257P
个人电脑∕笔记本∕平板电脑 257-258P
观看体育比赛 261-263P
运动 263-268P
话剧∕电影∕音乐会∕其他演出 269-272P
博物馆及美术馆 273-274P
公园∕游乐场∕动植物园 274-279P
阅读 279-282P
观看电视及光盘 282-285P
欣赏音乐 286-288P
演奏乐器 289-291P
游戏 291-293P
养宠物 293-295P
Chapter 13 购物 SHOPPING
传统市场和跳蚤市场 298-300P
超市及食品杂货店 300-305P
百货商店 305-309P
书店 309-310P
购买电子产品 311-313P
买汽车 313-316P
网上购物及电视购物 316-319P
Chapter 14 在外用餐 EATING OUT
餐厅 322-333P
快餐店 334-336P
咖啡馆 337-341P
酒馆 341-346P
面包店及冰淇淋店 346-349P
Chapter 15 生活便利设施 AROUND TOWN
银行 352-355P
邮局 356-357P
图书馆 357-360P
加油站 360-361P
汽车修理厂 362-363P
美容院及理发店 363-367P
洗衣店 367-370P
旅行前的准备 373-377P
酒店及家庭旅馆 377-379P
找路 380-381P
观光 381-383P
旅行中的突发状况 384-386P
机场 386-393P
火车 393-395P地铁 396-398P
公共汽车 398-400P
出租车 400-402P
汽车 402-406P
自行车及摩托车 406-408P
Chapter 17 在国外居住 LIVING ABROAD
去国外学习语言 411-413P
海外留学 413-417P
工作假期 418-419P
移民 419-422P
身体健康状况 425-426P
体检 426-429P
医院 429-432P
药店 432-434P
感冒 435-438P
消化系统疾病 439-441P
牙科疾病 442-445P
皮肤病及其他问题 446-448P
眼科疾病 448-449P
骨头及关节疾病 449-451P
癌症 451-453P
肥胖 453-455P
精神健康 455-457P
住院∕探望病人∕出院 457-460P
Chapter 19 财政与经济 FINANCE AND ECONOMY
个人财政 463-466P
投资 467-469P
经济相关问题 469-472P
Chapter 20 紧急情况 EMERGENCIES
事故 475-478P
灾难 478-482P

Book Abstract

Chapter 01
日常问候 Common Greetings
001特定时段的问候方式 _ Greetings for different times of day
早上好。Good morning.∕Morning. INFORMAL
中午好。Good afternoon.
你好。Good day. BRITISH
晚安。Good evening.∕Evening! INFORMAL
起床!Rise and shine! INFORMAL ★叫醒熟睡的人时使用
A Rise and shine, sweetheart.
B Good morning. What time is it?
A It’s half past noon. You should probably be saying good afternoon.
002任何时段均通用的问候方式 _ Simple greetings for any time of day
你好。Hello.∕Hello, there.∕Hey. INFORMAL ∕Hiya. INFORMAL ∕Howdy. INFORMAL∕Sup. INFORMAL ★网络用语what’s up的缩略语∕Yo. INFORMAL ∕Hallo. INFORMAL ∕Dude. MALE ∕Sister. FEMALE∕Aloha. INFORMAL ★夏威夷的问候方式
过得还不错吧?How are you?∕What’s up? INFORMAL ∕Whaddup? INFORMAL
您好,向您问安。Greetings and salutations. FORMAL
A Howdy, my friend!
B What’s up?
003节日和纪念日的问候方式 _ Holiday greetings
圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas!
节日快乐!Happy holidays!
向您致以节日的问候!Season’s greetings! ★圣诞节前后通用的问候语
新年快乐!Happy New Year!
母亲节快乐!Happy Mother’s Day!
感恩节快乐!Happy Thanksgiving!
复活节快乐!Happy Easter!
不给糖就捣蛋。Trick or treat! ★万圣节时孩子们向大人们讨要糖果时的用语
情人节快乐!Happy Valentine’s Day!
A Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas to my little girl.
B Is it time to open the presents yet?
004分别时的问候方式 _ Saying goodbye
再见。Good-bye.∕Bye-bye. INFORMAL∕Good night.∕Have a good night! ★晚上分别时的用语∕So long.∕Farewell. FORMAL
下次见。See you.∕See you later.∕Catch you later. INFORMAL∕See you around.∕Til the next time.∕Talk to you later. ★这句用语的缩略形式Ttyl原为网络用语,近来也常用于日常会话中
后会有期。I’ll be seeing you.
照顾好自己。Take it easy.∕Take care.∕Keep it real.
A All right, I should go before it gets too late. Thanks for dinner!
B You’re welcome. Have a good night!
005突发紧急情况需先行离开时 _ Saying goodbye when you have urgent business
对不起,我得走了。Sorry, gotta go. INFORMAL
非常抱歉,我不得不先走一步了。You’ll have to excuse me.
出了点状况。Something’s come up.
我会再联系你的。I’ll call you later.
A Something’s come up. I have to run to the office.
B Here, take an apple in case you get hungry.
006要求对方联络时 _ Asking to keep in touch
保持联络。Keep in touch. ∕Drop me a line.
别忘了我,别疏远了。Don’t be a stranger.
加我的微信。Add me on WeChat. CURRENT
记得关注我的微博。Follow me on microblog. CURRENT
A Well, it’s been good chatting.
B We should definitely keep in touch. I’ll add your WeChat.
Tip母亲节 vs. 父亲节
在美国,每年5月的第二个星期日是“母亲节 Mother’s Day”。孩子们会在那天邀请妈妈一起共进“母亲节早午餐 Mother’s Day Brunches”,并送上巧克力和鲜花。每年6月的第三个星期日是“父亲节 Father’s Day”,不过鲜少有人会像庆祝母亲节那般庆祝父亲节。
Chapter 01
熟人之间的问候When Meeting Someone You Know
007久别重逢时 _ Greeting someone you haven’t seen for a long time
好久不见。Long time no see!/I haven’t seen you in ages!/It’s been a long time./It’s been a while since we met.
你看起来气色不错。You’re looking great.
我们有多久没见了?How long has it been?
我很想你。I’ve missed you. INFORMAL
你还是那么年轻啊!You haven’t aged a day!
A I haven’t seen you in ages!
B Robert, my man! You’re looking great.
008询问近况时 _ Asking how someone is doing
你过得怎么样?How are you?/How are you doing?/How’s everything?/How’s it going?/How goes it?/How are you getting along?/How’s it hanging? INFORMAL
近来可好?What’s up? INFORMAL /So what’s new?/What’s up with you?/What’s happening? INFORMAL /What’s cracking? INFORMAL /What’s clicking? /What’s in the bag? IDIOM
最近过得如何?How have you been?/How’s it been?/What have you been up to?
工作如何?How’s business?
A Ned! How have you been?
B Not too shabby. Yourself? ★Not too shabby和Not too bad意思相同
009回答过得不错时 _ Saying how you have been doing — positive answers
过得不错。Good./I’m fine./Things are good./Things are looking up./I’m having a ball. IDIOM /I’m chipper. BRITISH /I’ve been blessed. RELIGIOUS
过得非常好!Really wonderful./It’s all good./Fabulous!/Great!/It’s cool. INFORMAL/Splendid! BRITISH
过得挺忙的。I’ve been keeping myself busy.
过得好极了。Couldn’t be better./I can’t complain./Couldn’t ask for more./I’m on top of the world. IDIOM
A Benjamin! It’s been a while. How are you doing?
B Splendid. I’m a father now and I’m having a ball!
010回答过得不好时 _ Saying how you have been doing — negative answers
过得不怎么样。Not doing so well./Not too good./Not so great./Not very well./Not too hot./Crappy. SLANG
辛苦啊。Things are tough./It’s been rough.
心情不太好。I’ve been under the weather. IDIOM
别问了。Don’t ask.
你应该不会想知道。You don’t want to know.
不要提了。Don’t get me started. INFORMAL
A Jill, are you okay? You don’t look so hot.
B It’s been rough. My boyfriend left me.

Cat got your tongue?
If a cat’s got your tongue, it has nothing to do with cats. It means you don’t know what to say. Sometimes you might not know what to say because you’ve learned English at school, not growing up in Los Angeles or London speaking it every single day.
There is no substitute for growing up with a language. But, since you can’t go back in time, this book is your next-best alternative: a complete guide to every day English expressions. You can read this book cover to cover or you can refer to it as needed (hopefully not for a divorce). Either way, you shouldn’t just read a l l these phrases to yourself. Say them out loud.
What you can be sure of is that, if you use this book, you’ll never lack for the right thing to say. That is, unless you’re actually talking to a cat.


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