𝒯𝒾𝒻𝒻𝒶𝓃𝓎&𝒞𝑜 Simple and lively style 💙✨✨


▪️I found that the products I want to post today are all blue series hehe~Tiffany Infinityseries is my favorite this year So on my birthday, the male ticket gave me a bracelet of this series in addition to the bag!  span>

▪️Tiffany InfinityThe series means eternal connection span> Vigor and Vitality! A simple yet chic infinity symbol adds a modern touch to this bracelet~I love the meaning of this one It feels like my personality hahaha Always full of energy and vitality! and simple and versatile It goes well with other bracelets no Very sophisticated and pompous More beautiful when stacked!< /p>

▪️And this bracelet is quite affordable Sterling Silver Wear and not take anywhere! If it gets dirty, wipe it with a silver cloth or toothpaste and then clean it again ! Also ready to add necklaces and earrings from the same series It looks good Simple atmosphere Wear it after work!

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𝒯𝒾𝒻𝒻𝒶𝓃𝓎&𝒞𝑜 简约活泼派💙✨✨


▪️发现今天想发的晒货都是蓝色系列的嘿嘿~Tiffany Infinity系列算是我今年比较喜欢的 所以过生日的时候男票除了送了包还送了我一条这个系列的手链! 

▪️Tiffany Infinity系列寓意永恒的联系 活力与生命力! 简约而又别致的无限符号为此款手链增添现代气息~我很喜欢这款的寓意 感觉很符合自己的性格哈哈哈 永远都是充满活力与生命力的! 而且样式很简单百搭 配其他的手链什么的都很不错 不会很复杂和浮夸 叠戴更美!

▪️而且这款手链性价比还挺高的 纯银的 随时随地都戴着也不取! 脏了用擦银布擦擦或者牙膏洗洗然后又干净啦! 还准备入同系列的项链和耳钉 感觉很好看 简约大气 上班以后也能戴!

 # 格格的分享 # # 格格的穿搭 # # 毕业季 #