🌟After giving birth to two babies, I should have hormone secretion disorder, and the acne on my face is full of flowers 😤 🌟 Then I bought this bottle of Shiseido Yanrong Lotion, the effect is very good, very worthy of the price! 🌟 After using this, the calming and soothing effect is great, and it is very cool and comfortable. It can be used directly as a toner, or as a mask paper ❤️ 🌟Some people say that it smells like ink, I think it smells like a cool and cool Chinese medicine smell, I like it very much😍 🌟 Now, after using half a bottle, the acne is almost gone. I got another bottle and I highly recommend it 👍 ps: Buy with caution for sensitive skin, the ingredients contain alcohol (although I can't feel it 😂) # 平价替代 # # 百万积分第六季 #
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🌟生娃二娃之后,我应该是激素分泌紊乱,脸上的痘痘是百花盛开😤 🌟然后我就买了这瓶资生堂艳容露,效果很不错,非常对得起价格! 🌟用了这个镇静舒缓效果好棒,冰冰凉凉的很舒服。直接当爽肤水,或者泡面膜纸都可以❤️ 🌟有人说它有墨水味,我觉得是很好闻的清凉败火的中药味,我很喜欢😍 🌟现在,用了半瓶痘痘也基本没有了。又入了一瓶,还是很推荐的👍 ps:敏感皮肤慎买,成分含有酒精(虽然我感觉不出来😂) # 平价替代 # # 百万积分第六季 #