# Fried Chicken Amway# Share two hummus that I love recently! The first one is sold in both target and sprout, it's so delicious that it's hard to get rid of it! The sauce in the middle is sweet and sour with pickled cucumber and corn, refreshing but addictive. But don't be greedy to eat too much, because it's more salty and has a heavy taste haha The second one is tomato basil hummus bought by Uncle Quede. I didn't think it tasted good at first (I don't like the taste of basil), but the more I eat it, the more I like it. The most important thing is that this is a rare hummus that is not salty in taste. Many sauces are very high in sodium and taste very salty. *Recently, I really like eating raw carrots with hummus. I used to think it tasted weird, but now I just think it’s sweet and delicious😆😆😆
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#炸鸡安利# 分享兩款最近愛的hummus! 第一款在target和sprout都有得賣,簡直好吃到難以自拔!中間的醬是加了酸黃瓜和玉米的酸甜口,很清爽但很上癮。但是不要貪心吃多了,因為比較咸還蠻重口味的哈哈 第二款是缺德舅買的tomato basil hummus,剛開始吃覺得不好吃(我不喜歡羅勒的味道),但是吃到後面越吃越喜歡。最重要的是這款是難得hummus裡面口味不咸的,很多醬都是鈉含量很高吃起來很咸,這個空口吃都可以。 *最近真的好愛生吃胡蘿蔔配hummus啊,以前覺得味道怪現在只覺得甜甜的好好吃😆😆😆