🌟 Last month's push, three cans of 36oz Abbott milk powder, the original price is $129, and the Amazon discount is only $26! The shelf life is also good, until February 2021. 🌟Thanks to the friends of the North American Money Saving Express @Do you have a mouse brand pencil, who helped me buy one. 🌟I am a member myself, but every time I get a good discount I don’t get my share, I’m really angry 🌟Fortunately, dm's friends are awesome! Thank you so much! This one saves a lot of money, and this price is equal to buy one get two free! Awesome👍 # 超级辣妈计划 # # 百万积分第六季 #
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🌟上个月的推送,三罐36oz的雅培奶粉,原价$129,amazon打折只卖$26!保质期也很好,到2021年二月。 🌟感谢北美省钱快报的晒友@你有老鼠牌铅笔吗,帮我买了一单。 🌟我自己明明是会员,可是每次好折扣都没我的份,真的是很生气😤看见这么好的折扣买不了,真的是气的内伤了😂 🌟还好dm晒友给力啊!真是太感谢啦!这一单省了不少钱啊,这价格等于买一送二有木有!超赞👍 # 超级辣妈计划 # # 百万积分第六季 #