Japanese marusan hot pot soup with four flavors On a whim, I suddenly decided to try 火锅底料 from a Japanese supermarket, and bought four flavors, namely miso, spicy, chicken soup and soy milk. I thought it was 火锅底料, which is similar to the type of Haidilao in Chinese supermarkets, but I found out that it was completely misunderstood. First of all, the amount of one serving is relatively small, although it says 3 to 4 people, it is actually suitable for two people at most. In addition, the taste has already been adjusted, and no more water can be added, otherwise the taste will become very bland. So in the end, I feel that this soup is only suitable for the following, or eating the Korean army soup type, and it is not suitable for simmering. 火锅底料. As a soup stock, the taste is not bad, and the four flavors have their own characteristics. The soup is delicious and delicate in texture, well worth trying. # 亚米厨房 # # 百万积分第六季 # # 吃货的日常 # # 火锅底料 ## 我要当测评官第7期 #
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日本marusan火锅汤料 四种口味 心血来潮,突然就决定尝试一下日本超市的火锅底料,买了四种口味,分别是味增,辛辣,鸡汤以及豆乳。本来以为是类似中国超市海底捞类型的火锅底料,后来发现完全误解了。首先一份的量比较少,虽然写着3到4人,实际最多适合两个人的量。另外味道是已经调好的,不能再加水,不然味道会变的很淡。所以最终觉得这种汤料只适合下面,或者吃韩国部队汤类型的吃法,不适合作为涮着吃的火锅底料。 作为汤料来说,味道还不错,四种口味各有特色,随便买都不会踩雷。汤的味道鲜美,口感细腻,很值得尝试。 # 亚米厨房 # # 百万积分第六季 # # 吃货的日常 # # 火锅底料 ## 我要当测评官第7期 #