🌟 A few days ago, Yami's 6th anniversary, I exchanged a 15% discount coupon in the exchange mall. 🌟 I placed a big order at Yami, let me send a snack first. 🌟pocky is my family’s favorite. My goose fell in love with strawberry 🍓 recently, so I abandoned my old love chocolate 🍫😂 The pocky taste of 🌟Matcha 🍵 is also good👍. However, Oreo 🍪 does not taste very good, very ordinary, not recommended. 🌟Wangwang rice cake, fragrant and crunchy, still love to eat. 🌟 Baumkuchen is the first time I bought it. It took a long time to buy it, and I haven't eaten it yet. Shaqima hasn't been eaten yet, and Xindongyang's should be pretty good👍 🌟Happy birthday to Yami, the better and better! ps: When my goose sees Yami's express box now, he will say yamibuy, hahaha 🤩🤩🤩 # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 百万积分第六季 #
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🌟前几天亚米六周年庆,在兑换商城换了85折的优惠券。 🌟在亚米下了一大单,先来发个零食的。 🌟pocky是我和家人的最爱啊,我鹅子最近爱上草莓🍓味的,就把旧爱巧克力🍫的抛弃了😂 🌟抹茶🍵的pocky味道也还不错👍。不过,奥利奥🍪口味的不怎么样,很普通,不推荐。 🌟旺旺大米饼,香香脆脆,依然很爱吃。 🌟年轮蛋糕是第一次买,补货了好久才买到,还没吃呢。沙琪玛也还没吃,新东阳的应该还不错👍 🌟祝亚米生日快乐,越办越好哦! ps:我鹅子现在看见亚米的快递盒,会说yamibuy,哈哈哈🤩🤩🤩 # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 百万积分第六季 #