# 全球好货装进家 # # 花式比童心 # On the cover, this Kumamon bear is holding a strawberry! right! This pack is strawberry flavored gustatory candy! There are 18 candies in a pack, children who like to eat hard candies come here! The outside is fragrant with milk, the fragrant milk is strong, and the inside is wrapped in strawberry flavor. The milk paired with strawberries is really delicious. Speaking of Asian candy, it is really a few streets away from the United States! Every year at trick or treat, the children are happy and shout to their companions when they see the candy I bring to them. I love this so much! The fruit tastes well, and it is not as sticky as Meidi candy. There should be more and more children who come to ask for candy every year!
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# 全球好货装进家 # # 花式比童心 # 封面上这只熊本熊抱着草莓呢!对啦!这包就是草莓味道的味觉糖!一包里有18颗糖,喜欢吃硬糖的小朋友看过来! 外面是牛奶香,奶香浓郁,里面包裹着草莓口味,牛奶搭配草莓🍓真的好吃,话说亚洲的糖果真的甩美帝好几条街啊! 每年trick or treat,小朋友看到我拿给他们的糖果都开心的和同伴大呼,我超爱这个!水果口味做的好,又没有美帝糖果的粘腻,每年来讨糖的小朋友应该会越来越多吧!