# 花式比童心 # Little boss seaweed, original flavor, not salty at all, seaweed is nutritious, very suitable as a baby snack! But I didn't expect that there is no separate packaging inside. A piece of seaweed is super long, and it is no problem to wrap it in rice balls. The one I bought is thick slices, crispy and delicious, and the mouth is super cool! Spicy friends can choose kimchi flavor and Tom Yum kung flavor, and enjoy it by themselves (nothing to do) 😂😂. This packaging is suitable for sharing with other children at home or making rice balls🍙. It is recommended to buy another independent packaging when going out. The seaweed roll packaging also has different taste options🤗.
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# 花式比童心 # 小老板海苔,原味,一点儿都不咸,海苔营养丰富,作为宝宝零食非常适合噢! 不过没想到里面没有独立包装,一条海苔超长,裹着饭团🍙也没问题,我买的这款是厚片,香酥可口,入口超爽!嗜辣的小伙伴可以选泡菜味和冬阴功味,自己独享(没娃什么事)😂😂。 这款包装适合在家和其他小朋友一起分享或者做饭团🍙,外出建议还是买另一款独立包装,紫菜卷包装的,同样有不同口味选择🤗。