# 全球好货装进家 # I have never used this cleansing oil from Sekkisei before! I did some homework on Xiaohongshu, and most netizens gave it a good evaluation. It is a push-pump design, and two or three pumps can clean the entire face. unanimous view. As a late-stage cancer patient who can use the cleansing oil for a year, I will not open this bottle, I will hoard it as a gift! Hahahahahaha😆😆😆 (Have you watched Baibing? Really, do you need more than five to laugh seriously🤣?)
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# 全球好货装进家 # 雪肌精的这款卸妆油之前都没用过呢!上小红书上做了一下功课,大部分网友对它的评价还不错,是按压泵式设计,两三泵就可以清洁整个脸,卸妆干净不油腻,不闷痘,乳化效果快,是大家一致的看法。 作为卸妆油能用一年的懒癌晚期患者,这瓶我就不拆了,我要把它囤着做礼物!哈哈哈哈哈😆😆😆(你们有看拜冰吗?真的哈要五个以上才是认真的大笑吗🤣?)