Sunscreen is indispensable everyday 👏🏻 Xiaobai bottle and An Nai are both very popular🔥 The small white bottle is completely oil-free. I especially like it✌🏻 If you use a lot on your face, your face will be very white🤣 But after an hour or two, it will become much more natural Compared with these two types, the sunscreen will be a little oily. As a dry mix, I think it's OK😁 In general, I prefer the small white bottle✌🏻I have used up one bottle 👏🏻I will stock up when I see a good discount # 防晒我选它 ## 萌新报道 #
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天天都少不了的防晒👏🏻 小白瓶和安耐晒都非常火🔥 小白瓶是完全无油的 特别喜欢✌🏻 就是上脸用量多的话脸会特别白🤣 但是过一两个小时后就会自然很多 相较于这两款 安耐晒就会油一点点. 作为混干觉得还OK😁 总得来说个人比较喜欢小白瓶✌🏻已经用完了一瓶 👏🏻见到好折扣就会囤货 # 防晒我选它 ## 萌新报道 #