# 全球好货装进家 # Yimei scallion pancake is one of the ingredients that are often stocked in the refrigerator! Sometimes if you don't know what to eat, you will take it out and fry it directly in the pan without thawing. This time, in order to empty the refrigerator, I added Spam, egg and coriander as shown in Figure 3. After the sweet noodle sauce was eaten, I used hoisin sauce instead. The taste is also very good! Cooking steps: 1. Heat oil in a pan, add a piece of cake and fry for about 3 minutes; 2. Crack the eggs and spread them out with a spatula. Don't worry about the eggs running out; 3. Flip over, continue to fry, spread a layer of hoisin sauce, and cover with parsley and luncheon meat; 4. Fry for another five minutes during this period, roll up the cake with a shovel, heat evenly for a few minutes, then take out of the pan, cut it and eat it! This method is very suitable for a small partner who is completely a pasta layman like Xiaocuner. Can the batter not be adjusted? Let's just use what's already available.
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yami_featured_image # 全球好货装进家 # 义美葱油饼算是冰箱里常囤的一种食材啦!有时候不知道吃啥就会拿出它,无需化冻,直接上锅煎熟。 这次为了清空冰箱,我加了图三的Spam,鸡蛋和香菜,甜面酱吃完了就使用海鲜酱代替,做出来的口味也很不错哦! 烹饪步骤: 1. 平底锅热油后,放入一块饼,大约煎3分钟; 2. 打上鸡蛋,用铲子铺平,不用担心鸡蛋往外跑; 3. 翻面,继续煎,抹上一层海鲜酱,铺上香菜和午餐肉; 4. 期间再煎五分钟,用铲子把饼卷起来,均匀受热几分钟后出锅,切开就可以吃啦! 这种做法很适合像小村儿一样完全是面食门外汉的小伙伴,面糊不会调?咱们就用现成的吧😂😂😂。