# 全球好货装进家 # 📦Family photo of the package I just received yesterday, today I tasted the very popular jiāng beans (the pronunciation is noted here because I think I should not be the only one who doesn’t know hahahahaha) At noon, I saw a pot of steamed wooden bucket rice at home, so I couldn't wait to open a packet of fried chicken shreds with rice ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ As expected, it is an artifact! ! ! First of all, I will introduce the practice of chicken: To keep the chicken tender and smooth, you can do it as I did in the picture. First, shred the chicken breast, then use starch and cooking wine to mix it well, blanch it in a pot, and pick it up for later use. Then take out the oil pan, put in the shredded chicken that has been blanched in water, then open a pack of cowpeas, pour it in and quickly stir fry until the chicken is colored~ The whole process only takes 2-3 minutes! Then you can get out of the pot, and this dish of rice artifact is done! (≧∇≦) Two people eat rice, CD! ! ! ❤️ Well, the identification is complete Unlimited repurchase!
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# 全球好货装进家 # 📦昨天刚收到的包裹全家福 今天就尝了一下挺受欢迎的泡椒豇(jiāng)豆(此处备注读音是因为我觉得应该不止我一个人不认识哈哈哈哈哈😂) 中午看到家里有一锅蒸好的木桶饭,就迫不及待的打开一包炒鸡丝配饭ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ 果然不出我所料,是个下饭神器!!! 首先介绍鸡肉的做法:鸡肉要保持嫩滑的口感就可以按照图片里我做的这样,先把鸡胸肉切丝,然后用淀粉和料酒抓匀,下锅焯水,捞起备用。 接着起油锅 放入焯过水的鸡丝,再打开一包豇豆,倒进去迅速翻炒至鸡肉上色~整个过程也就2-3分钟这样! 然后就可以出锅了,这一盘下饭神器就这样做好了!(≧∇≦) 两人就米饭吃,光盘!!!❤️ 嗯,鉴定完毕 可以无限回购了!