# 全球好货装进家 # # 我要当测评官第7期 ## 拜託了冰箱 # # 百万积分第六季 # [全球好货装进家] Starbucks cat's paw cups! It's been hyped up before. I finally started it recently! Really attracted to things! ! ! Turn on the flash and it looks great! Packed with milk, water, and sparkling drinks are all super nice! ! The only downside might be that the capacity isn't that much. Because it is in the shape of a cat's paw, a large part of the cup is useless, but it looks good! What about him 🤫. There are real and fake products, remember to find trusted and reliable channels! I wish everyone can drink seven glasses of water a day and be healthy every day (you can have a cat's paw cup!) 💕💕
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# 全球好货装进家 # # 我要当测评官第7期 ## 拜託了冰箱 # # 百万积分第六季 # 【全球好货装进家】 星巴克猫爪的杯杯!之前被炒得沸沸扬扬。自己终于在最近入手了!真的被事物吸引到了啊!!!开启闪光灯就很好看了呀!装牛奶,水,气泡饮料都超级好看呀!! 唯一的缺点可能就是容量并不是很多。因为是猫爪形状所以杯子的一大部分是没有用的,可是颜值高啊!管他呢🤫。还有就是有真假货大家记得找信任的和可靠的渠道哦! 祝大家都能每天喝七杯水,健康每一天(有猫爪杯你就可以!)💕💕