This is BWELL bottled instant bird's nest drink from Thailand - pandan leaf flavor, lychee flavor, coconut milk flavor. One bottle contains 180ml, and one bottle contains 0.4g of cave swallow + 1.22g of house swallow. It is purely artificial to wash bird's nest and picks the hairs. They can eat with peace of mind. The bottle body is a glass bottle, which has been sterilized by high temperature, and has a refreshing taste and sweet taste. The instant bird's nest will be much more refreshing than the self-stewed bird's nest. The amount of one bottle is just right, which is very convenient. It is most convenient to eat this kind of instant bird's nest directly when there is no time to stew bird's nest, and it is most suitable for busy urbanites. The bottle is small and cute, easy to carry, does not take up space, and can fit small bags. The nutritional value of bird's nest is very high, and it is easily absorbed by the human body. It can improve human immunity, repair damaged cells, and promote metabolism. Women often eat bird's nest for many benefits to the body, such as nourishing the lungs and nourishing yin, nourishing blood and nourishing the stomach, beauty and skin care and Anti-aging and other effects. #开箱晒一“夏”
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这款是来自泰国的BWELL瓶装即食燕窝饮品-香兰叶口味,还有荔枝口味,椰汁口味。 一瓶有180毫升,一瓶有0.4克洞燕+1.22克屋燕,纯人工洗燕窝和挑杂毛,工序繁复认真,不含防腐剂、人工色素、人工香精、漂白剂等化学物质,女士们可以安心食用。 瓶身是玻璃瓶,经过高温消毒,口感清爽,味道清甜,即食燕窝会比自己炖的燕窝清爽很多,一瓶份量刚好,非常方便,打开盖子就可以吃。 平常没空炖燕窝直接吃这种即食燕窝就最方便,最适合繁忙都市人。 瓶子小巧可爱,很方便携带,不占空间,小包包也能放得下。 燕窝的营养价值非常高,很容易被人体吸收,可以提高人体免疫力,修复受损细胞,促进新陈代谢,女士常吃燕窝对身体很很多好处,比如补肺养阴、补血养胃、美容护肤和延缓衰老等功效。 # 开箱晒一“夏” ## 全球好货装进家 ## 我要当测评官第7期 #