PHC wine dregs mask, the taste is not heavy, very light, and the taste of wine is not pungent at all, it smells very good. Very gentle, without any irritation or tingling. After applying, wipe off with a paper towel, then rinse with lukewarm water. This saves time and is easier than rinsing directly with water! After use, it is very refreshing and comfortable, there is no tightness at all, and the skin care is very smooth! And it helps to take away oily stains, I feel that my face is extraordinarily clean, it is really suitable for oily skin, and it is also good for moisturizing! # 开箱晒一“夏” ## 全球好货装进家 ## 亚米好物 ## 面膜控 #
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phc酒粕面膜,味道不重,很清淡,而且酒的味道一点也不刺鼻,挺好闻的。很温和,无任何刺激或刺痛感。 敷完后,先用纸巾拭擦,再用温水清洗。这样比起直接用清水冲洗,省时简易些! 使用后,很清爽舒适,完全没有绷紧感,护肤很柔滑!而且有帮助带走油污,觉得脸分外的干净,的确适合油皮,保湿也不错! # 开箱晒一“夏” ## 全球好货装进家 ## 亚米好物 ## 面膜控 #