# 全球好货装进家 # # 开箱晒一“夏” # Order number: 2019052666596 Summer is here. The meat is about to show. It means to start losing weight. A few days ago @PandaBaby. taught me a cold snack that people love. The ingredients I prepared are: bean skin, kelp, fungus. (The coriander is just finished. Otherwise, it will be more fragrant. You can buy your favorite ingredients. Enoki mushrooms are also a good choice.) Seasoning: vinegar, oyster sauce, sesame oil, edible wine, sugar, shallots, chili oil! (Except for oyster sauce, sesame oil, and sugar, I put more. Other ingredients should not be too much. But mainly according to your own taste) Baby Panda said that the most important thing in this dish is vinegar and chili oil. (Babies who don't eat spicy can try to add a little bit of it to see) It can be said to be the finishing touch. Just a little bit. It can make the salad taste up. up. My aged vinegar was purchased from Yami. This taste is really fragrant. Very authentic. Recommended. When there is no appetite in summer, cold dishes are really a good choice. It is also a dish that can be made without skills at all! Secretly speaking. Fungus is super effective in treating constipation.
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# 全球好货装进家 # # 开箱晒一“夏” # 订单号:2019052666596 夏天到了.肉肉要开始露出来了.意思就是要开始减肥了.前几天@熊猫Baby.教了我一道人吃人爱的凉拌小吃. 我准备的食材有:豆皮.海带.木耳. (香菜刚好吃完了.不然加进去更香.大家可以买自己喜欢的食材.金针菇也是很不错的选择) 调料:陈醋.蚝油.麻油.食用酒.糖.青葱.辣油! (除了蚝油.麻油.糖我放的比较多.其它的食材不要太多量.不过主要还是要根据自己口味) 熊猫宝宝说这道菜最重要的就是陈醋和辣油.(不吃辣的宝宝们可以试试加一丢丢进去看看哦)可以说是点睛之笔.只要一点.可以让凉拌菜味道up up up.我的陈醋购于亚米.这款味道真的特别香.很正宗.推荐. 夏天没胃口的时候.凉拌菜真的是很好的选择.也完全不需要技术就可以做出的一道菜! 偷偷说一句.木耳治疗便秘超级有效果.