# 三食三餐 # La la la I brought my own fried rice noodles from the company potluck today. Hahaha my colleagues keep asking me how to make it so delicious haha Haha😊😊😊😊😊 In order to make it delicious, let my colleagues get rid of their prejudice against Chinese food in fast food restaurants, I specially prepared for a long time and bought a lot of materials that everyone can accept Because there are more Indian colleagues, I also added some old godmothers Practice: 🍎First, soak 2 packets of rice noodles in water the night before 🍎Slice a handful of onion, a garlic and an onion and prepare 🍎Chop all kinds of ingredients you like, such as mushrooms, dried tofu, celery, carrots, and cabbage for later use 🍎Wake up the next day, drain the water first, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oil consumption, sesame oil, pepper, salt, season and marinate for a while Then you can get ready to brush your teeth and wash your face. 🍎It's almost ready to fire after washing 🍎Put oil first, add onion, spring onion and garlic, fry until fragrant, pour in various ingredients, fry until almost half 🍎 Then add an appropriate amount of rice noodles and continue to stir fry until the juice is collected 🍎Repeat the steps until all fried 2 packets of flour, I divided it 4 times before it was all fried The next step is to start the photo mode and enjoy your rice noodles lol😆😆😆😆😆 This is the first time I have prepared such a large portion of fried rice noodles. I didn't expect it to be so successful. It was cleaned in less than half an hour after entering the area 😂
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# 三食三餐 # 啦啦啦 今天公司potluck 我带的自己炒的炒米粉 哈哈哈哈 同事一直问我怎么做的这么好吃 哈哈 哈哈😊😊😊😊😊 为了做的好吃点 让同事去掉对快餐店中餐的偏见 特地准备了好久 买了很多大家都能接受的材料 因为印度同事比较多 还加了点老干妈 做法: 🍎首先 前一晚 将2包米粉 放水里泡整夜 🍎将一把葱 一颗蒜 一头洋葱 切丝备好 🍎将各种你喜欢的材料 比如香菇 豆腐干 芹菜 胡萝卜 高丽菜 全部切丝备用 🍎隔天起来 先沥干水 加入适量 生抽 老抽 耗油 香油 胡椒粉 盐 调味腌制一会 然后就可以先准备刷牙洗脸啦 🍎洗完就差不多可以开火了 🍎先下油 倒入洋葱 葱和蒜头 炒香后倒入各种配料 炒到差不多 先乘出一半 🍎然后加入适量米粉 继续翻炒到收汁 🍎重复步骤直到全部炒完 2包粉 我分了4次才全部炒完 接下来就是开始拍照模式 欣赏自己的米粉 lol😆😆😆😆😆 是第一次准备这么大一份炒米粉 没想到这么成功 一带进去 不到半小时就被分干净😂