# 三食三餐 # [Casino of 三食三餐] 🍻 I ate it when I went to the casino last time. Feeling like a little red lobster? 🍽Totally: shrimp, lobster, potatoes, salmon, asparagus, salad side dishes! Delicious with lemon juice! Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. Lou Lou is a bit heavy, I like it very sour and spicy, such as Tobasco sauce or something. Highly recommended! 🍱Alright, let's go to dinner!
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# 三食三餐 # 【三食三餐之Casino】 🍻上次去赌场的时候吃的。有点红龙虾的感觉? 🍽一共有:虾,龙虾,土豆,三文鱼,芦笋,沙拉配菜!柠檬汁配上就很好吃!想想就流口水呀。楼楼有点重口味,喜欢很酸,很辣,比如Tobasco酱什么的。喜欢的强烈推荐! 🍱好啦,去吃晚餐了!