# 开箱晒一“夏” # # 全球好货装进家 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation0fe31fbbab714618bc903ca8 Sweet noodle sauce in June, delicious summer dipping sauce 🧚‍♀️Sweet Noodle Sauce in June, moderately salty and sweet, rich in sauce aroma and unique flavor Shredded Pork with Beijing Sauce is one of the old Beijing-style dishes. Usually the tenderloin is used as the main ingredient. The tenderloin is shredded and fried until it is tender and tender. It is evenly wrapped with sweet noodle sauce and sauce. You can also make pancakes and fruits. Mung bean powder is mixed into a paste and spread into pancakes. Beat two eggs. When the egg liquid has not solidified, you can add chopped green onion, turn the cake over, and brush with sweet noodle sauce, chili sauce, etc. Personal preference the sauce
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# 开箱晒一“夏” # # 全球好货装进家 # # 三食三餐 # 6月香甜面酱,夏日蘸酱好味道 🧚‍♀️6月香甜面酱,咸甜适中,酱香浓郁,风味独特的甜面酱可以做炸酱面、炒菜、也可以做夏日黄瓜🥒、小葱蘸酱, 鸡蛋灌饼等等美食 京酱肉丝是老北京风味菜之一。通常选用里脊肉为主料,把里脊肉切细丝炒的嫩嫩,用甜面酱调酱汁包裹均匀,香葱切丝垫底,浓浓家乡味道。 也可以做煎饼果子,绿豆粉调糊状摊成煎饼,打入两只鸡蛋,在鸡蛋液还没凝固时,可以放入葱花,把饼翻过来,分别刷上甜面酱、辣椒酱等等个人喜好的酱料