# T恤这样穿 # [The inside of the skirt of T恤这样穿 will not be too exposed] Top: Express. Denim skirt: Express. Bag: Louis Vuitton. 🧸I recently came to Florida and finally got a chance to wear a small skirt! The denim skirt I bought before has never been worn. One is that it is a bit exposed, and the other is that I have never found a suitable matching inner wear. This white top looks really good with it! It's just that I didn't get it right when I shot it. But I still love it! ! ➿ When wearing a skirt, remember to adjust the length if it can be adjusted. I didn't pay attention this time, and it caused some trouble. But then it was fixed! freeking love it! This top can be worn twice! You can put the edge with a sense of design on the outside. You can also put the clothes in and leave the edges, which gives a feeling of two fake pieces (Figure 4). Feels like a little princess. ☹️Because this time is a travel relationship, I forgot to turn over a pair of shoes when I was tidying up. So when taking pictures, you will pay attention to the feet, because they do not match. So please remember to check your belongings a lot! 💞💞I hope you all remember to bring what you need when you go out, take beautiful photos, eat delicious food, and apply sunscreen that won't tan.
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# T恤这样穿 # 【T恤这样穿之套裙子里面不会太暴露】 上衣:Express. 牛仔裙:Express. 包包:Louis Vuitton. 🧸最近来佛罗里达终于有机会穿小裙裙啦!之前买的牛仔小裙裙一直不穿,一是因为有点暴露,二是一直没找到合适的搭配里面的内搭。这个白色上衣配的真的很好看!就是我拍的时候有一点没有整理好。不过拍出来的我还是很喜欢的!! ➿穿裙子的时候,记得把长度调整好要是可以调整。我这次没有注意,就有造成一定的麻烦。不过后来调好了!超级喜欢!这样的上衣也能两穿!可以把有设计感的边边放在外面。也可以把衣服套进去留下边边,有一点假两件的感觉(图四)。有点小公主的感觉。 ☹️因为这次是旅游的关系,在整理的时候忘记翻一双鞋子进去了。所以拍照的时候会注意拍到脚,因为不搭。所以大家记得多多检查自己带的东西是否带起了! 💞💞希望大家出门记得带好需要的东西,拍美美的照,吃好吃的美食,涂好不会晒黑的防晒。