# 全球好货装进家 # This spray from Shiseido is derived from the weakly acidic mineral water of Mount Fuji, replenishes the minerals needed by the skin, hydrates and moisturizes, and allows the skin to form a water-locking protective layer. This muscle water is a model of a cheap big bowl! A bottle of 240ml costs about $10. In addition to this blue bottle, there are also powder bottle and white bottle. The difference is that the blue bottle is more refreshing and suitable for summer or oily skin. The powder bottle is more moisturizing and suitable for dry skin, while the white bottle is gel-like and suitable for any skin. PH value: weak acid Ingredients: Mt. Fuji weakly acidic mineral water and pure natural flower and fruit essence. Mainly moisturizing, locking water. How to use: After cleansing the skin, place the nozzle 20cm away from the face. After spraying, tap it to absorb the water completely. You can also spray it on frizzy hair to make the hair smooth. The nozzle design is excellent, the spray is fine, and it can spray the water at the bottom.
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# 全球好货装进家 # 资生堂的这款喷雾取自富士山的弱酸性矿泉水质,补给肌肤所需的矿物质,补水保湿,让肌肤行成锁水保护层。 这款肌水算是便宜大碗的典范了!一瓶240ml,价格10刀左右。除了这款蓝瓶装,还有粉瓶装和白瓶装,区别在于蓝瓶更清爽,适合夏季或者油性肌肤使用,粉瓶更滋润,适合干皮,而白瓶是啫喱状,适合任何肌肤。 PH值:弱酸性 成分:富士山弱酸性矿泉质水以及纯天然花果精华。主打保湿,锁水。 使用方法:洁肤后,喷头距离面部20cm,喷好后,拍一拍,让水分彻底吸收,也可以对着毛躁的头发喷,让头发顺滑。 喷头设计很出色,喷雾细腻,可以喷出最底部的水。