# 三食三餐 # This sea cucumber meal allows children to accept dark sea cucumbers, let's make sea cucumber noodles together! The ingredients can be seen in Figure 3. The eggs are fried in advance, the cucumbers are cut into shreds, and finally placed together. If there is no sweet noodle sauce at home, I use hoisin sauce instead. The seasoning also uses minced garlic, minced ginger, cooking wine, white pepper, Laoganma, soy sauce, and water starch. Cooking steps: 1. Cut the luncheon meat, dried fragrant and sea cucumber into cubes; 2. When the oil in the pot is hot, add minced garlic, minced ginger, add pork filling and stir fry; 3. Add a little cooking wine, add luncheon meat and dried fragrant dried meat and continue to stir fry; 4. Add hoisin sauce, white pepper, add some water and simmer for a while; 5. Add sea cucumber, add soy sauce and continue to simmer; 6. Add water starch to thicken the sauce; 7. Add the cooked noodles and stir (you can also put the noodles into a bowl and pour the sauce. If there are family members who don't eat spicy food, Lao Ganma can add it to the bowl by herself. After adding scrambled eggs and shredded cucumber, the braised noodles will feel more authentic.
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# 三食三餐 # 这道海参餐可以让小朋友也接受黑乎乎的海参,一起来做海参打卤面吧! 食材可见图三,鸡蛋预先炒一下,黄瓜切成丝,最后一起摆盘。 家里没有甜面酱就用海鲜酱代替了,调料还使用到蒜蓉,姜蓉,料酒,白胡椒,老干妈,生抽,水淀粉。 烹饪步骤: 1. 将午餐肉,香干和海参切成丁; 2. 锅内油热后加入蒜蓉,姜蓉,加入猪肉馅翻炒; 3. 加少许料酒,加入午餐肉和香干继续翻炒; 4. 加入海鲜酱,白胡椒粉,加一些水焖煮一会儿; 5. 加入海参,加生抽,继续焖煮; 6. 加入水淀粉,使酱汁浓稠; 7. 加入煮好的面条搅拌(也可以把面条放入碗内,倒入酱汁。 如果有不吃辣的家庭成员,老干妈可以自行加入碗中,加入炒鸡蛋和黄瓜丝后,打卤面感觉就更正宗了。