New York Chinatown Food - Saigon Bread ——————————————— 🌝 Sure enough, New York food is hidden in Chinatown! ! This Saigon Bread Conscience Amway ate for two days in a row haha! Recommend Lemongrass Beef Bread I like spicy so I added it 🌶️~ The combination of lemongrass and beef is really fragrant! can't stop~ The taste is very good, especially the shredded radish inside is sour and sweet, very appetizing I always bite my palate when I eat Vietnamese bread 😂… But this bread won't! The bread is not hard but very crispy! The bread is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside It's easy to chew and delicious 😋 The filling is full to overflowing! Lemongrass shrimp 🍤 Compared with beef, I think it is slightly inferior~ If there are guys who pass through Chinatown, please try it out~ # 趁着春光去旅行 # # 拜托了冰箱 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 纽约吃喝玩乐 # # 三食三餐 #
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纽约唐人街美食——西贡面包 ——————————————— 🌝果然纽约美食都藏在唐人街!! 这家西贡面包良心安利连续吃了两天哈哈! 推荐香茅牛肉面包我嗜辣所以加🌶️了~ 香茅和肥牛组合真的太香了!停不下来~ 味道很好特别喜欢里面的萝卜丝酸酸甜甜很开胃 平时吃越南面包的时候总会咬破上颚😂… 但这家的面包不会!面包不是硬的是很酥脆的! 面包外酥里嫩的那种很酥脆一咬就掉渣~ 嚼起来不费劲还很好吃😋内馅也是满到溢出来! 香茅虾🍤对比牛肉我觉得稍微逊色一丢丢~ 如果有经过唐人街的小伙们强烈安利去试试~ # 趁着春光去旅行 # # 拜托了冰箱 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 纽约吃喝玩乐 # # 三食三餐 #