# 三食三餐 # 🍜The round and round udon has good elasticity and QQ taste. The roots are distinct when cooked. The Q-bounce udon tastes very smooth and chubby~~ Stir-fried Udon with Spinach and Beef 1⃣️Cups spinach first blanched 2⃣️Pack of Japanese Udon noodles 3⃣️Cups water Bring the water to a boil and throw it into the udon noodles. After it is completely dispersed, drain it with cold water and set aside 🌟 Sauce: Tomato paste 2Tbsp honey 1-2 Tbsp oyster sauce 1Tbsp soy sauce 2Tbsp water 1/4 cup mix in a small bowl 🌟 Practice: Add olive oil to a non-stick pan, add onions and saute until fragrant Throw in the pre-cut marinated beef, stir fry until the beef changes color, pour in the sauce and udon noodles, stir well, add spinach and turn off the heat! 🌟Spinach can promote growth and development. The carotene contained in the human body is converted into vitamin A, which can maintain normal vision and the health of epithelial cells. The meat aroma of beef and spinach can be eaten together to nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish qi and blood, and strengthen bones and muscles!
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# 三食三餐 # 🍜劲道圆圆滚滚的乌冬,弹性好 、口感QQ,煮出来根根分明,Q弹的乌冬吃起来特别爽滑,哧溜哧溜~~ 菠菜牛肉炒乌冬面 1⃣️Cups菠菜先焯水 2⃣️包日式乌冬面 3⃣️Cups water 把水烧开丢入乌冬面,待完全散开后过冷水沥干备用 🌟酱汁:番茄酱2Tbsp 蜂蜜 1-2 Tbsp 蚝油 1Tbsp 酱油 2Tbsp 水 1/4杯 放小碗混合一起 🌟做法:平底不粘锅滴入橄榄油,加入洋葱爆香 丢入事先切好腌过的牛肉粒,炒到牛肉变色后,倒入酱汁跟乌冬面,搅拌均匀加入菠菜关火! 🌟菠菜能促进生长发育,所含的胡萝卜素在人体内转变成维生素A,能维护正常视力和上皮细胞的健康,牛肉的肉香气和菠菜搭配食用,补脾胃,益气血,强筋骨!