# 烤冷面 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # This is the first time I made 烤冷面. I don't know if it's my pot. The dough will be arched/upturned in various ways. Remember to press it with a spatula, otherwise it will be hard to eat if it is not heated enough. Many people in the comments said that the sauce is not delicious, so I simply adjusted one myself, referring to the practice of barbecue sauce I saw in the lower kitchen before, sweet noodle sauce + bean paste + garlic chili sauce + oyster sauce + water. The ham sausage can be fried a little, add coriander and chopped green onion, and sprinkle a little Liupo chili powder, it's delicious~ (Friends who like coriander must put a little more, ah, ah, it's super fragrant!
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# 烤冷面 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # 第一次做烤冷面,不知道是不是我的锅的问题,面皮会各种拱/翘起来,记得用锅铲压一下,不然受热不充分的话吃起来会很硬。评论里很多人说酱料不好吃,我索性自己调了一个,参考之前在下厨房看到的烧烤酱的做法,甜面酱+豆瓣酱+蒜蓉辣椒酱+蚝油+水。火腿肠可以稍微煎一下,加上香菜和葱花,再撒一点六婆辣椒粉,很好吃~(喜欢香菜的朋友一定要多放一点啊啊啊超级香的!