# 夏季出行必备 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # 夏日色彩打卡-white Japan UNICHARM Unicharm Silky Multi-Functional Cotton Cotton In summer, the oil secretion of the skin is strong. When I go out, I will put a few cotton pads in the makeup bag. Advantages and disadvantages of Unicharm Silky Makeup Cotton: Advantages: The cotton is very soft and does not fall off. It does not feel rough and painful when used on the face. Disadvantage: This section cannot be torn apart for use.
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yami_featured_image # 夏季出行必备 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # 夏日色彩打卡-白 日本UNICHARM尤妮佳丝滑多功能化妆棉 夏日到了,皮膚的油脂分泌旺盛,外出時我會放上幾片化妝棉在化妝包裡,如有脱妝時可以即時補救。 尤妮佳絲滑化妝綿優缺點: 優點:綿綿非常質柔軟,不掉屑,使用在臉上不覺得棉質粗躁,沒有疼痛感。 缺點:此款不能撕開使用。