🌹🌹Yesterday, my friends on National Day went out to play 🤣 I stayed at home and was too lazy to go out, so I made delicious octopus balls, and felt that I was cooking properly 😂😂 Then while enjoying the food, I followed " Chang'an Twelve Hours"🤣🤣So happy🥳 🌹🌹 The things prepared are: octopus ball machine, octopus ball powder, mayonnaise mayonnaise, Otafuku octopus ball sauce bought at Yami, chopped octopus, cabbage, Nori and bonito flakes were bought at Dahua, and these are almost the same ingredients. It's actually very simple to make! 😂 🌹🌹Ingredients: 100g powder 300ml water, adjust the ratio by yourself, if not thick or thin, it is best to have two eggs and 1g baking powder. Stir and mix the chopped octopus, cook it with a little cooking wine, and prepare the cabbage. Cut it into pieces and turn on the machine to preheat. Once it's hot, brush a layer of oil on each ball, pour in the batter, add octopus and cabbage, it doesn't matter if it's full, I only make half of it each time, so that it can taste better just out of the pot. Don't be in a hurry, wait until the bottom shell is cooked enough to not stick, turn it with pointed chopsticks, add the batter, and turn it repeatedly until the balls are round. After a while, you can put them on the pan and put on the seaweed. bonito flakes, meatball sauce mayonnaise sauce will do! 🤣🤣 🌹🌹 outside the coke tender octopus balls, you tasted yet 🤣 # 三食三餐 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 下厨秘密武器 #
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yami_featured_image 🌹🌹昨天国庆小伙伴们都出去玩了吧🤣我宅在家里懒得出门,就做了好吃的章鱼小丸子,觉得自己厨艺妥妥的😂😂然后一边享受着美食一边美美的追着《长安十二时辰》🤣🤣好开心🥳 🌹🌹准备的东西有:章鱼小丸子机,章鱼小丸子粉,美乃滋蛋黄酱,Otafuku章鱼小丸子酱是在亚米买的,章鱼碎、包菜、海苔和柴鱼片在大华买的,差不多就是这些原料啦,做起来其实很简单!😂 🌹🌹原料:100g粉300ml水,这个比例自己调,不稠不稀最好 两个鸡蛋 1g baking powder 这些搅拌混合好 章鱼碎用一点料酒煮八成熟备好 包菜切碎丁 然后打开机器预热好,每个丸子位刷一层油,倒入面糊,加入章鱼和包菜,满出来一点也没关系,我每次只做一半,这样可以吃到刚出锅的更好吃。一定不要心急,等底部外壳已经足够熟到不沾了在用尖头筷子转个方向,再加面糊,这样反复转动到丸子圆圆的成型,再一会儿就可以出锅装盘,撒上海苔,柴鱼片,丸子酱美乃滋酱就可以啦!🤣🤣 🌹🌹外焦里嫩的章鱼小丸子,你们尝过了吗🤣 # 三食三餐 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # # 下厨秘密武器 #