夏日色彩打卡 - black 🌹🌹I highly recommend a delicious snack, I can't stop seeing it lately! This dried mushroom has quickly reached the top of my snack list! I have seen my friends say that this kind of dried mushrooms is delicious, and I yearn for it, but I have been unable to buy it. It's so delicious after you bite it 😭😭😭 I only have the chance to taste it now 😭😭 This is because I foresaw that I would buy it and couldn't stop it, so I kept it off the shelves to save me money 🤣🤣 🌹🌹This dried mushroom looks almost the same as the dried shiitake mushrooms without foaming. I had some psychological barriers when I took the first bite and felt like I was eating raw shiitake mushrooms, but I didn’t expect it. How should I put it, the taste is like the kind of p0 food, I can't stop taking a bite, where there is a little taste of mushrooms, it is delicious 😋 I once suspected that it was not a mushroom, it was just made into a mushroom shape, but my friend Tell me that it is really mushrooms, she once put a piece of real mushrooms in the water and got a piece of real mushrooms😂😂 I am really convinced by this production process, mushrooms can also be made so crunchy and delicious! What's more, this is a real mushroom, a healthy snack, it can be used as a snack and lose weight, a perfect snack with low calorie, my friends, am I the last to eat such a delicious snack 😋 # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 健康小零食 #
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夏日色彩打卡——黑 🌹🌹我来强烈推荐一个好吃到爆的零食,简直相见恨晚欲罢不能啊!这个蘑菇干已经迅速登上我的零食榜首位啦!早就看到小伙伴们说这种蘑菇干好吃,如雷贯耳心向往之,无奈我一直买不到,最近忽然发现有卖,哇,开心死,赶紧抓一包回家迫不及待打开,第一口咬下去就呆了,太好吃了吧😭😭😭为毛我现在才有机会尝到😭😭这是预见我会买的停不下来才特意一直不上架为我省钱吗🤣🤣 🌹🌹这个蘑菇干看起来几乎跟没有泡发的干香菇一毛一样,我吃第一口还有些心理障碍感觉在吃生香菇似的,但是没想到啊没想到~~~~脆爽香浓,怎么说呢,口感上像在膨化食品的那种,一口一口停不下来,哪里有一点点香菇的味道,就是好吃😋我一度怀疑不是蘑菇吧,只是做成了蘑菇形状而已,但是小伙伴告诉我说真的真的是蘑菇,她曾经放水里泡泡就得到了一片真的蘑菇😂😂这个制作工艺我是真的服气了,蘑菇也能做的这么嘎嘣脆的好吃!更何况,这是真正的蘑菇啊,健康零食啊,又能当零食又能减肥,低卡路里的完美零食啊,小伙伴们,这么好吃的零食我是不是最后一个吃到的呢😋 # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 健康小零食 #