# 被二哥种草了 # # 童年回忆零食 #
Wolong Guoba has been wanting to buy for a long time and finally aimed at a discount and tried it out! I have to say that it is really crispy and hard to eat, and there will be a "quack" sound when you bite down. I bought the spicy version, and the spiciness can be said to be one of the few spicy snacks that I have eaten that can make people feel the presence of the word "spicy"... I feel that the product is more prominent with the word "numb", and I can't bear to eat a few pieces. I kept looking for water to drink, and there was a slight tingling feeling on my lips and tongue (I don't know if my ability to eat spicy food has declined since I returned to China...). But after a while, I couldn't help but reach out and dig into the bag again... It's not very delicious, it's the pure salty and spicy route (really salty). Don't expect too much, but it's good for decompression...

# 被二哥种草了 # # 童年回忆零食 #
卧龙锅巴想买好久了终于瞄准了打折入了尝试一下! 不得不说吃口真的非常脆硬,咬下去会有“嘎嘣”声音的那种硬。 买了麻辣款,辣度可以说是我吃过辣味零食里为数不多的可以让人觉得“辣”字有存在感的一个… 感觉产品更突出“麻”字,吃了几块忍不住“嘶嘶嘶”地找水喝,唇边舌尖会有一丝若有若无的酥麻感(也不知道是不是我回国以后吃辣能力下降了…)。但是过一会儿忍不住又伸手往袋子里掏… 算不上多好吃,走的是纯咸辣路线(真的挺咸)。不用抱太多期望,但是解压用挺好的…