# 童年回忆零食 # # 夏日香气 # The originator of Gummy bear, the QQ gummy of childhood! I remember when it was just out, the canteen at the school gate was selling a long line, and the boss would tear a package for you for 5 cents. When I was a child, I liked peach and grape flavors the most. Later, the cola flavor was all the rage. I still bought the cola flavor this time, and the lychee flavor is also very good. Let's reminisce about our childhood together in your spare time!
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# 童年回忆零食 # # 夏日香气 # Gummy bear的鼻祖,小时候的QQ软糖!记得那时候刚出,学校门口的小卖部都是挂了好长一条在卖的,5毛钱老板就会撕一包给你。 小时候最爱蜜桃和葡萄口味,后来出的可乐味风靡一时,这次仍旧买到可乐味,还有荔枝味也很不错,闲时一起来回忆童年吧!