# 被二哥种草了 # Recently, I bought an Aroma health pot for the elders. The appearance of rose gold and glass is high-end and elegant 🤩🤩! The express delivery is very fast from the East warehouse. I feel that the time in the central part is two days faster than that of the West warehouse. The packaging is in good condition, and it is a special surprise to open! The lid is made of stainless steel, which is not easy to be stained with scale, and has a sealing ring, and the opening can be sealed well for effective heating. The capacity is 1.5L, and boiling water can keep warm, because it is a health pot and has many other functions, such as making flower tea, soup, and porridge. to make sure the soup is clean. The elders like it very much, and it can be regarded as a little filial piety. Order number: 2019071609209
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# 被二哥种草了 # 最近给长辈入了一款Aroma养生壶,玫瑰金搭配玻璃的外观,高端大气上档次🤩🤩! 快递从东仓出特别快,感觉到中部的时间比西仓要快两天,包装完好,打开特别惊喜!盖子处全是不锈钢的,不容易沾上水垢,而且有密封圈,开口处密封好可以有效加热。 容量是1.5L的,烧水可以保温,因为是养生壶还有许多其他功能,比如做花茶,煲汤,做粥都是可以实现的,内部还带有一个屉,可以将茶叶或者炖肉料放入,保证汤汁的干净。 长辈收到非常喜欢,也算是尽一点孝心。 订单号:2019071609209