Thank you Yami for third-party gift evaluation The third-party Beiding products have been delivered It is a beautiful white stewed beaker, a box of purple potato lily porridge and Luo Han Guo rose tea. 1. The stew beaker, 🤘🏻 white is very beautiful, I also photographed the top and bottom, the design brief, I like it very much. I tried the boiled egg as soon as I got it. I put the raw egg in it at night, add boiled water, Then close the lid. I woke up the other day and opened it, the water was still hot, but not hot, and then I beat the eggs. The insides were all cooked, which proved that the heat preservation was good. I haven’t tried to cook other things yet. What can be cooked well. 2. Purple potato and lily porridge, suitable for lazy people, the ingredients are good. One packet at a time. The taste is good, it is the taste of health. It is suitable for children and the elderly, I am sorry if you like super sweet. 3. Luo Han Guo rose tea. I like the sweetness of Luo Han Guo very much. This tea is very sweet, really. The tea bag has roses. It has a faint floral fragrance. I don't know how to interpret it. Anyway, it is delicious. # 我要当测评官第9期 #
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谢谢亚米 第三方礼品测评 第三方的北鼎产品送到了 是一个白色好看的焖烧杯,一盒紫薯百合粥还有罗汉果玫瑰花茶. 1.焖烧杯,🤘🏻白色非常好看,我还拍了顶部和底部,设计简介,我非常喜欢. 一拿到手就试用了煮鸡蛋. 我晚上的时候把生鸡蛋放进去,加入煮沸的水,然后盖好盖子. 另一天起床打开看,水还是热的,但不烫手,然后打鸡蛋. 里面都熟了,证明保温程度是不错的. 目前还没尝试煮其他东西.嘻嘻,不知道还可以焖烧什么好. 2. 紫薯百合粥,适合懒人,材料都不错. 一次一包.味道不错,就是养生的味道. 适合小朋友和老人,喜欢超甜的就不好意思了. 3.罗汉果玫瑰花茶.我本人超喜欢罗汉果出来的甜味. 这个茶很甜,真的. 茶包有玫瑰花. 淡淡的花香,不知道怎么解析,反正好喝,喜欢甜茶的会喜欢! # 我要当测评官第9期 #