# 亚米夜市 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 童年回忆零食 # Beijingers life is inseparable from sesame. I knew about this before I came to Beijing...Boiled mutton, fried belly, sesame noodles, tea mixed noodles, and all foreign objects can be sesame sauce. And my favorite is this bowl of noodle tea. Walking through the tender gray brick and tile alleys, I happened to see an old man with gray temples wearing a white lab coat on the side of the road, sitting in front of him a middle-aged man who was a little younger, with a "haircut" sign standing beside him. , under the shade of green tiles seems to glimpse the quiet beauty of the city's years. In a daze, I seemed to have missed the small shop. When I looked around, a woman more than ten meters in front shouted at me, "Looking for noodle tea? Behind you!" The good betel nut brown sesame paste was spread on the hot millet noodles, and the black and white sesame seeds lay in a circle. At first, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to accept it, and I wouldn't be able to learn from old Beijing, holding a bowl and drinking in circles, mixed a big mouthful of sesame paste and sipped it down... It's amazing! Unlike other sesame paste-derived products that are greasy, it can make people suck one after another. , very flavorful. A thin layer of sweat gradually broke out from the forehead and under the nose. Even sitting in a cool place in the 30's temperature day felt unbearably hot, but he drank the whole bowl unconsciously.
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# 亚米夜市 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 童年回忆零食 #北京人的生活,离不开麻酱。 这件事我在来北京之前就知道…涮羊肉爆肚烧饼面茶拌面,外物皆可麻酱。 而我最爱的当属这一碗面茶。 穿梭于嫩灰色砖瓦的胡同之间,偶然看到路边一位两鬓斑白的老大爷穿着白大褂,跟前坐着个年龄小上一圈的中年人,旁边竖着“理发”的牌子,绿瓦凉荫下似乎窥见了这座城市岁月静好的美。 愣神间似乎错过了小店,左顾右盼时前头十几米开外的妇女冲我喊:“找面茶呀?在你后面哎!” 澥好的槟榔棕色芝麻酱铺在热腾腾的小米面上,黑白芝麻热热闹闹地躺了一圈。起先怕自己接受不了,也学不来老北京托着碗转圈儿喝,混了一大口芝麻酱抿了下去…真是妙不可言! 不似其他麻酱衍生产品来的糊嘴腻人,能让人一口接一口吸溜下去般顺口;小米面空口吃都尝得出粗粮的香,有些许回甘,而上头撒的椒盐才是最香,提味的很。 额头和鼻翼下渐渐沁出一层薄汗,三十几度的高温天即使坐在阴凉地也觉得闷热难耐,却是不自觉地喝完一整碗。