# 亚米夜市 # # 为爱花钱 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 童年回忆零食 # Lay's really crispy fries are actually the most common ones compared to the high imitation versions of the three brothers, Calbee and traderjoe, which I have eaten. Let’s talk about the advantages first. The taste is not bad. The outer shell is crispy and hard, and the inner part is crispy and crunchy. It tastes like French fries. But the aroma of potatoes is really too weak, it can be said to be the weakest of the four. The overall length is relatively short, and it is not very refreshing to eat. The most important thing is that the seasoning is a bit off-kilter. I bought the original flavor and it is supposed to be salty, but it is not pure sea salt... I also tasted the taste of MSG and sugar. Throwing barbecue seasoning powder in it... (I went to check the ingredient list to prove that my taste is correct)
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# 亚米夜市 # # 为爱花钱 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 童年回忆零食 # 乐事的真脆薯条相比较我吃过的薯条三兄弟 卡乐比和traderjoe的高仿版来说其实算是最普通的一款了 先说优点,口感做的还不错,外壳脆中带硬,内里酥酥脆脆,含一会儿又绵绵的,吃起来匹配度还挺像薯条。 但是土豆的香气真的太弱了,可以说是吃过四款里最弱的一个。 整体长度都比较短,吃起来不是很爽。 最重要的是调味有点剑走偏锋,买的是原味按理说也是咸口,但是不是纯的海盐…我还吃出了味精和糖的味道,整个感觉像是工厂因为失误不小心撒了一丢丢烧烤味调味粉在里面………(我去核实了一下配料表证明我的味觉没啥错)