# 被二哥种草了 # I have tried both brands of cold noodles. It feels pretty good. Zhu Dafufu's seasoning seems to be more liked by everyone, and Ostoma's seasoning is sweet. It doesn't feel as bad as everyone said, maybe I prefer sweet ones. Then Ostoma is a little thinner than Zhu Dafu's cold noodles. Then the sausage inside I clipped the ham. Also sprinkled with chives. Overall good! delicious~
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# 被二哥种草了 # 两个牌子的烤冷面都试过了。感觉都还不错呢。朱大夫福的调料好像是大家更喜欢的,奥斯托马的调料吃起来是甜的。感觉也没有大家说的那么难吃,可能我个人比较喜欢甜口。然后奥斯托马比朱大福的冷面薄一点。 然后里头的香肠我夹的ham。还撒了葱花。整体不错!好吃哦~