🌸 Recently, I have been losing fat and controlling my diet, which makes me want to eat everything I see; in fact, weight loss does not require dieting, it is easy to overeat because of holding back for too long, as long as it is combined with exercise and calorie intake calculation, control the total intake , followed by strength training to increase muscle shaping. 🌸Today's lunch: Korean Paldo Eight-course Premium Beef Bone Soup Noodles, general instant noodles are very high in calories, and it is 500 calories at every turn, but this instant noodles is not so high in calories, a whole package is only 240 calories, so I r0 my little one. Quan Quan boiled a pack. 🌸Add 550ml of water to boil, add soup buns and noodles, and finally add chopped green onion buns, you can also add your favorite meatballs, vegetables, etc. At first, the first bite felt a little bland, because I prefer to eat heavy flavors, but It's amazing. The more I eat, the more thick the soup is. The soup is also very white and thick. I'm super satisfied after eating a bowl, and I feel great. It is really a pleasure to eat instant noodles occasionally. Babies who love instant noodles try it. # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 我要当测评官第10期 #
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🌸最近一直在减脂,控制饮食,导致看到什么都想吃;其实减肥不需要节食,很容易因为憋太久就暴饮暴食,只要搭配运动加计算卡路里摄入就行,控制总摄入量,后续加上力量训练增加肌肉塑形。 🌸今日午餐:韩国Paldo八道高级牛骨汤面,一般方便面卡路里都特别高,动不动就是500打卡,而这款方便面卡路里并没有这么高,一整包也就240卡而已,所以我就摩擦我的小拳拳煮了一包。 🌸加入550ml水煮开后加入汤包和面条,最后加入葱花包,也可以加入自己喜欢吃的肉丸子,蔬菜等;刚开始第一口觉得有点淡,因为我比较爱吃重口味的,不过很神奇,越吃觉得汤汁越浓郁,汤也很白很浓稠,超级满足的吃完一碗,心情棒棒的,偶尔吃方便面也真的是种享受~精华都在汤里,很推荐爱吃方便面的宝宝们尝试。 # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 我要当测评官第10期 #