[August Snacks] Share what you bought for eight snacks As a foodie, I rush to stock up on snacks before the stock runs out, otherwise I don’t know when it will be out of stock again. Guazi/Once Upon a Time Peanut: The whole family loves it, so I bought about 3,40 packs on and off this month. Shanghaojia: Childhood Memories Classic Snacks Self-heating hot pot: Yumei's new product must-haves The first product: pickled fish, boiled fish Biscuits: A must for work snacks to pass the time and have a good relationship with colleagues Milk Tea Series: Share with brothers and sisters at home Other miscellaneous miscellaneous: there are seasonings, snacks are all requested by the family~ Duck Neck: Rumor has it that I bought a product off the shelf. I want to say that I only bought 24 packs, and have already eaten ten packs! Makeup: I have been single before, and the eyeshadow palette is a beautiful color. French Dabao may not be suitable for me, I am going to use it for my sister's dry skin. # 童年回忆零食 # # 被二哥种草了 # # 晒开箱 # # 我要当测评官第10期 #
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yami_featured_image 【八月零食记】分享一下八单零食都买了什么 吃货的我每次赶在断货前囤批零食不然不知何时又会断货。 瓜子/黄飞鸿花生:全家人都爱,所以这个月断断续续买了大约3,40包吧。 上好佳:童年回忆经典零食 自热火锅:与美新品必须品上一品:酸菜鱼,水煮鱼 饼干:上班零嘴打发时间,跟同事打好关系的必备品 奶茶系列:分享给家里弟弟妹妹 其他杂七杂八:有调料,有零嘴都是家里点名要的~ 鸭脖:传闻被我买下架的产品,想说我只买了24包,已经吃完十包了! 美妆:之前晒单过,眼影盘好美的颜色。法国大宝可能不适合我吧,准备给我妹妹这个大干皮用。 # 童年回忆零食 # # 被二哥种草了 # # 晒开箱 # # 我要当测评官第10期 #