Has anyone found 嗨胃 The lid of the hot and sour powder box, there is a problem with the constellation on it, why the date between Scorpio and Sagittarius is missing 11/3-11/22, and the date between Sagittarius and Capricorn is missing 12/3-12/21? I don't know if it was designed this way on purpose, or if it was a mistake. Because I suddenly saw it when I was eating noodles, and found that I couldn't find my father's birthday, so I thought of posting it to ask everyone😊 Finally a mention, 嗨胃 hot and sour powder really too delicious 😋 # 我要当测评官第10期 ## 亚米真的6 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 嗨胃 #
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有没有谁发现嗨胃酸辣粉的盒盖子,上面的星座有问题,为什么天蝎座和射手座之间的日期缺少了11/3-11/22,还有射手座到魔蝎座之间的日期缺少了12/3-12/21?不知道是故意这样设计的,还是出现的失误。 因为我在吃粉的时候突然看到的,然后发现找不到我爸爸的生日,所以就想着发出来问问大家😊 最后再提一句,嗨胃的酸辣粉真的太好吃了😋# 我要当测评官第10期 ## 亚米真的6 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 嗨胃 #