# 百万积分第7季 ## 国货种草愿望清单 # This Hong Kong olive dish really has to be highly recommended. Freshmen start school and start a new independent life. It is a must-have for studying abroad! It's delicious with porridge, bibimbap, noodles, and stir-frying! Back then, the village was also planted by a senior sister. Be sure to look for Pengsheng’s products. It is said that the olive vegetable is actually mustard + olive. It is very fragrant and full of oil. It must be eaten with a mixture, otherwise it will feel greasy and the saltiness is moderate. Not only can it be eaten with a mixture, but also Stir-fry pumpkin, stir-fry green beans, and add flavor! This special product from the Chaoshan area will make you unforgettable after eating it. You must try it if you have the opportunity!
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# 百万积分第7季 ## 国货种草愿望清单 # 这款香港橄榄菜真的要大力推荐一下,新生开学,开启🔛全新的独立生活,在外留学必备款!配粥,拌饭,拌面,清炒都好吃!遥想村儿当年,也是被学姐种草。 一定认准蓬盛出品,说是橄榄菜其实是芥菜+橄榄,非常的香,油分也十足,一定要拌着吃,否则会有油腻的感觉,咸度适中,不但可以拌着吃,还可以炒南瓜,炒四季豆,增加风味! 这款来自潮汕地区的特产,吃过就会让你念念不忘,有机会一定要尝试一下哦!