# 百万积分第7季 # My family has tried several brands of vitamin gummies, but the one I buy most is GNC. The reason why I bought GNC is because I have to buy other vitamins for free shipping, and every time I make an order, I will buy another can, it becomes ㄧ A pit that I can't go to 😌. To be honest, I don’t know how effective it is. Anyway, it’s all multivitamins, and each brand should be similar, so GNC should be no problem. In fact, it seems that it is not necessary to supplement children with vitamins, and the pediatrician will not specifically say that they should eat them, but it is simply because the mother is afraid that the children will occasionally eat unbalanced diets. After supplementing, I will feel more at ease, and mothers can rest assured that children are happy to eat. , and there are also rewards that can be used as candy when coaxing children~😀😇😀
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# 百万积分第7季 # 小朋友維他命軟糖我家吃過幾個品牌,但最常買的是GNC這個牌子,ㄧ開使會買GNC是因為要買其他維他命湊單免運費,之後每次湊單都會再買ㄧ罐,就變成ㄧ個不去的坑了😌。老實說我也不知道效果如何,反正都是綜合維他命,每個品牌應該是大同小異,所以GNC應該是沒問題。其實給小孩補充維他命好像也不是必需要的,兒科醫生也不會特別說要吃,但單純是媽媽怕小孩們偶爾飲食不均衡,補充ㄧ下心裡會安心點,小孩吃的開心媽媽也能放心,還有還有哄小孩時拿來當糖果奬勵~😀😇😀