# 百万积分第7季 ## 平价替代 # Recommended French Fries Three Brothers 平价替代 version, fries from Trader Joe. This time I bought the original flavor (white) and the tomato flavor (black). The tomato flavor recommended by many babies is really good. The french fries and tomato sauce are super good! And this tomato flavor is really sour tomato, heavy taste! Original fries are lighter! The fries are crispy, the roots are distinct, and the package is full, and the price is good! The original flavor is 150 calories, and the tomato flavor has 10 calories more. Friends who like the three brothers of French fries should also like this fries. The tomato flavored fries are darker because of the tomato sauce. There are two flavors. It's delicious mixed together!
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# 百万积分第7季 ## 平价替代 # 推荐薯条三兄弟平价替代版,来自Trader Joe的薯条。这次我买了原味(白色),和番茄口味(黑色),很多宝宝推荐的番茄口味果真不错,薯条配番茄酱超搭!而且这款蕃茄味是真的酸爽的番茄,重口味!原味薯条就比较清淡啦!薯条酥脆,根根分明,一包量足,价廉物美!原味一包150卡路里,番茄口味多10卡路里,喜欢薯条三兄弟的小伙伴们,应该也会喜欢这款薯条的,番茄口味的薯条因为沾了番茄酱,颜色更深一些,两种口味混在一起也好吃哦!