# 百万积分第7季 # # 童年回忆零食 # # 月是故乡明 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # Ah, my favorite sugar pancakes. How can I forget the multiple sugar oil cakes in the black kiln factory, how can I forget it. In the distance, I saw the long queue. I looked up and saw a large white word on a green background, "Really Hei Yaochang Street Sugar and Oil Cake." "Qing" was printed in front of the big blank, which seemed a little funny. The advantage of being a civilian Internet celebrity is that the sugar and oil cakes you get must be hot and fresh from the oven. Looking in through the gap in front of the queue, the chef skillfully rolled the chestnut brown double brown sugar dough into the dough of the white flour pancake, and then slipped the pancake into the boiling oil along the edge of the pan. The oil cake was so hot that people didn't know where to start, and they couldn't resist the temptation of the fried food just out of the oven. In addition to using oil to clean the dough and the dough to wake up and have a soft texture, the most eye-catching thing is that after frying the sugar noodle cake, it will form a layer of crispy shell that feels unexpected. "Fried + sweets" makes people involuntarily reveal The most primitive desire... If the queue was not too long, I would like to go back and buy another ox tongue cake with multiple sugar and oil cakes.
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# 百万积分第7季 # # 童年回忆零食 # # 月是故乡明 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # 啊,我最爱的糖油饼。 黑窑厂的多倍糖油饼我怎么可能会忘,怎么才能忘。 远远的就望见长长的队伍,抬头一看,绿底白字写着大大的“真黑窑厂街糖油饼”,有点心照不宣但抑制不住的纳闷,再仔细一瞧,“真”字一段大大的空白前印着个“清”,莫名觉得有些滑稽。 作为平民网红的好处是,你到手的糖油饼一定是热乎乎刚出炉的。 穿过前面排队人群的间隙朝里瞅去,师傅熟练地把栗棕色的双倍红糖面擀进白面油饼的面团里,再顺着油锅边让面饼滑进滚油中。 到手的油饼热乎得让人不知从何下手,又抵不住油炸食品刚出炉自带的诱惑,小心翼翼地撕下一片,飘飘然的白雾蒸腾。 除了本身用油干净,面团醒发到位口感松软之外,最亮眼的该是糖面饼炸过后会形成感到不期而遇的一层脆壳,“油炸+甜食”让人不由自主地流露出最原始的欲望… 若不是队伍太长,想回去再买一个牛舌饼夹多倍糖油饼。