# 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 童年回忆零食 # UOB last week came across a palm-sized sell (buy in the wee before) took a box! Thinking about going home and frying and eating it (in China, I think Jiguang Xiangxiang Chicken's palm treasure is delicious 😋 It's really fast, and I didn't actually measure the outer coating, just roughly wrap it and fry it. The chicken cartilage is first marinated with salt, white pepper, and black pepper for more than two hours (I also added New Orleans powder and chili powder to taste) Cornstarch and sweet potato starch are mixed to cover the chicken cartilage; (I have a ratio of 7:3, adding sweet potato starch will keep the crispness of the shell for a longer time, and it will be more crispy, you can also omit it) It is almost finished. It's not too wet to the touch, but it's also not invisible to the meat like fried chicken nuggets. After the oil is hot, fry it in the pan; I almost took less than 3 minutes. After all the frying, remember to let the oil temperature in the pan rise and fry again. (Because there is no egg in the batter, the color will not be particularly golden. If you want color, fry it for a while.) After the pot is out of the pot, you can eat it empty, you can sprinkle salt and pepper powder, or you can mix it with various sauces you like! Enjoy✨✨
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yami_featured_image # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 # # 夏日色彩打卡 # # 童年回忆零食 #上周在大华偶然看到了有卖掌中宝(之前都在wee上买)就拿了一盒!想着自己回家炸着吃(在国内觉得继光香香鸡的掌中宝可好吃了😋 真的非常快手,包括外面的裹粉我其实都没有称量,只是粗略的裹住就下油炸了。 鸡软骨先用盐,白胡椒,黑胡椒腌渍两个小时以上(我还额外加了新奥尔良粉和辣椒粉提味) 玉米淀粉和地瓜淀粉混合后裹住鸡软骨;(我差不多比例是7:3,加地瓜淀粉的话会让外壳的脆度保持比较久,更酥脆一点,你们也可以不加)差不多裹完的程度就是摸上去不会太湿,但是也不会像炸鸡块那样看不见里面的肉。 油热以后,下锅炸;我差不多就3分钟不到一点。全部炸完以后记得让锅子里的油温回升后再复炸一次。(因为面糊里没有鸡蛋什么的所以其实颜色不会特别金黄,追求色泽的话就多炸一会儿) 出锅以后可以空口吃,可以撒椒盐粉也可以配自己喜欢的各种酱料! Enjoy✨✨