Korea 3CE Velvet Matte Lip Glaze VELVET LIPTNT #TAUPE

🌹🌹Recently bought a Korean3CE span>velvet matte lip glaze——VELVET LIPTNT#TAUPEcolor, I still like it very much Yes, our Da Yami is out of stock, one can imagine that it is really popular!

🌹🌹 Korea3CE is a relatively popular brand recently, its full name is 3 concept eyes, is a make-up brand that integrates Korean fashion elements and the most popular clothing brands' knowledge of color. Among them, 3CE's lipstick lipstick series is the most popular and has a certain influence among young people. This velvet matte lip glossVELVET LIPTNTofficially advertised as a melt-in-the-touch pudding texture that fits snugly on the lips Lips, make the lips naturally show the color of beautiful flowers, thick yet light, smooth and delicate velvet texture that melts on the lips, just like applying makeup primer to bring bright, colorful, soft and elegant like dipping in flower juice. The colors make people seem to see a romantic flower season.

🌹🌹I got this velvet matte lip gloss——VELVET LIPTNT#TAUPEcolor, many people call it aunt color🤣🤣It is actually a glamorous high-grade brick red, because it looks darker, but because the base color of my lips is originally darker, this color is very concealing for me, color rendering, whitening , whether it is thin or thick, it is very suitable for good looks!

🌹🌹The point is, it's really, really silky! ! It feels really smooth and delicate like chocolate when applied, it is not particularly dry, and the durability and finish are very good!

🌹🌹This kind of dark brick red looks really restrained and gorgeous behind the upper lip, no Public but energetic, do you guys want to try it?

 # Million Points7Season # # 清透妆容 #

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🌹🌹最近入手了一个韩国3CE丝绒哑光唇釉——VELVET LIPTNT#TAUPE色,还是很喜欢的,我们的大亚米都卖断货了,可想而知真的很火哦!

🌹🌹 韩国3CE是近期比较火爆的一个品牌,全名为3 concept eyes,是一个融汇韩国时尚元素与最流行服装品牌对于色彩的依靠认知打造而成的彩妆品牌,而其中3CE的唇膏口红系列产品的人气最高,在年轻人中具有一定的影响力。这个丝绒哑光唇釉VELVET LIPTNT系列官方宣传是触层即融的布丁质地,能紧密贴合于双唇,令娇唇自然呈现美不胜收的鲜花之色,浓稠又不失轻盈的触唇即融的柔滑细腻的丝绒质感,仿若涂抹妆前乳般带来似花汁浸染般鲜明缤纷、柔美优雅的色彩,让人彷佛能看见一个浪漫花季。

🌹🌹我入手的这个丝绒哑光唇釉——VELVET LIPTNT#TAUPE色,很多人称之为姨妈色🤣🤣其实是一种魅力四射的高级砖红色,因为看起来颜色比较深,但是因为我唇底色本来就比较深,所以这个颜色对于我而言非常有遮瑕力,显色,显白,无论薄涂还是厚涂都很适合很好看!



 # 百万积分第7 # # 清透妆容 #