# 亚米开箱 # # 被二哥种草了 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation38c1efaa6ad23a0eac88f Recently, I have been eating this bag of red dates to nourish blood and beauty! Much better than the red jujube tea I bought before! Big red dates from Hotan, Xinjiang, big and fresh! A pack of 500g, one big red date can equal three red dates of normal size! I highly recommend this big red jujube. It is very fresh and full of jujube fragrance. Making red jujube tea is also more delicious!
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yami_featured_image # 亚米开箱 # # 被二哥种草了 # # 百万积分第7季 # 最近都在吃这包大红枣补血养颜!比之前买的红枣茶好喝多啦!来自新疆和田的大红枣,又大又新鲜!一包500g,一颗大红枣可以抵正常大小的三个红枣! 非常推荐这款大红枣,很新鲜,满满的枣香,制作红枣茶也更有滋味呢!