🌸As a hair care enthusiast, I have tried no less than 20 kinds of shampoos and conditioners, and no less than 6 or 7 different hair care essential oils. One of my favorites is the essential oil from Oribe. Especially soft, high-grade fragrance, even after using the shampoo that does not leave fragrance, the whole hair smells fragrant after wiping the end of the hair, I love the classic fragrance of their home. 🍀Product name: Oribe-Gold Lust Nourishing Hair oil 🍀Features: High-grade fragrance, light and easy to absorb, smoothes dry and frizz, and makes hair smoother. 🌸The texture of this hair care oil is very light and thin, as you can see in Figure 5⃣️, the fluidity is very good, I usually use 3 pumps at a time, press 2 pumps first, rub my hands to heat it, then apply directly to the ends of the hair, intersperse the hair between the fingers, you can apply more Evenly, finish with a pump to nourish and smooth all day. 🌸With their star products Golden Repair Shampoo and Conditioner, the effect is even better, the hair is so soft from the scalp to the end of the hair that I can't believe it. Their hair care products are called the Hermes of the washing and care industry, and of course they are expensive. It makes sense. Babies who are looking for good hair care products may wish to try the brand Oribe, which is currently repurchasing. # 百万积分第7季 # # 清透妆容 #
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🌸作为护发发烧友的我来说,尝试过不下二十多种洗发水和护发素,不下6,7种不同的护发精油,其中最爱之一就是Oribe家的精油,用完发尾特别柔顺,高级香,就算用了不留香的洗发水,抹完发尾整个头发都闻起来香香的,超级爱她们家的经典香味。 🍀品名:Oribe-Gold Lust Nourishing Hair oil 🍀特点:高级香,质地轻薄易吸收,抚平干枯毛躁,使头发更顺滑。 🌸此款护发精油质地很轻薄,可以看到图5⃣️流动性很好,我一般一次用3泵,先按压2泵双手搓热后直接抹发尾,指间穿插发丝,可以涂的更均匀,最后再补一泵,滋养顺滑一整天。 🌸配合她们家明星产品黄金修复洗发水和护发素效果更加,头发从头皮到发尾简直柔顺到不敢相信,她们家的头发洗护产品被称为洗护界的爱马仕,当然价格贵也是有道理的,在寻找好的头发洗护产品的宝宝们不妨试试Oribe这个牌子,目前一直回购中。 # 百万积分第7季 # # 清透妆容 #