🌸I started using Moroccan hair care oil for a long time. I remember that this oil was not so popular at that time, and the discounts were not much. Although it was not as famous as it is now, I fell in love with it after I bought the first bottle and used it. Yes, the hair ends are super dry after perming and dyeing. I have to use it every time I wash my hair. I feel that I sometimes forget to use it and feel that I hate my hair 😖 🍀Product name: Moroccanoil-Moroccanoil Treatment (Moroccan hair care essential oil) 🍀Efficacy: Nourishes and moisturizes hair, strengthens hair, restores suppleness, makes hair more elastic and easier to manage. 🌸How to use: Wipe the hair until it does not drip, or if it is semi-dry, it can also be used directly on dry hair, press 1-2 pumps and rub evenly with both hands, apply from the middle of the hair to the ends of the hair, and then blow dry. Dry naturally. 🌸This hair essential oil can not only soften the hair immediately, but also repair the hair roots after long-term use, which is very suitable for fairies with dry and rough hair ends; the milk smell is very good, and the texture is yellow and flowable oil, which is a little thicker than cooking oil , They also have the light model of the same series. If you like light and thin texture, you can try that model. Personally, I still like the normal model. After using it in winter, the static electricity caused by drying has been significantly reduced. # 百万积分第7季 # # 清透妆容 #
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🌸很早就开始用摩洛哥护发精油了,记得那时候这款精油还没那么火,折扣也不多,那时虽然名气没现在那么响,但是自从买了第一瓶使用后就彻底爱上了,烫染后导致发尾超级干燥,每次洗完头必用,感觉偶尔忘记使用都觉得嫌弃自己的头发了😖 🍀品名:Moroccanoil-Moroccanoil Treatment(摩洛哥护发精油) 🍀功效:滋养保湿头发,强韧发质,修复柔顺,令发丝更富弹性,且更易打理。 🌸使用方法:头发擦至不滴水,或者半干的情况下,干发也可直接使用,按压1-2泵双手均匀摩擦后,从头发中段涂抹至发梢,后续吹干即可,也可以自然干。 🌸这款头发精油不仅能即刻柔顺头发,长期使用还能修复发根,非常适合发尾干燥粗糙的仙女们;奶香味非常好闻,质地为黄色可流动性油质,比炒菜油质地厚一点,他们家还有同系列的light款,喜欢轻薄质地的可以试试那款~个人还是喜欢正常款,冬天使用后连干燥引起的静电也明显减少了👍 # 百万积分第7季 # # 清透妆容 #