🌸 I bought the cpb cotton pads in a big shopping mall last year. At that time, I had a very good relationship with a Vietnamese counter lady. I bought whatever she said was useful! It's like I'm enchanted... But every time I buy something, I can get a lot of small and medium samples, and now people have switched jobs to sell BMWs 😂 🌸Because I bought the night cream from cpb before, if you apply it by hand, it will feel extremely greasy and not easy to absorb. According to the cabinet sister, it is the best to use with cotton pads, and the cotton pads from cpb and general brand cotton pads are engraved Compared with not cheap, it is called "Ladies' cotton pad". The texture of the cotton pad is very soft, and it is abnormally large, thicker than ordinary cotton pads. 🌸The price is $24/120 pieces, each piece is $0.2 excluding tax. I usually only use it with their night cream, two pumps at a time, and then fold the cotton pad in half and gently press it, and apply it directly to the whole face, not at all. It feels greasy and absorbs super fast, after every use of the night lotion, the skin will be very smooth and soft in the morning. Of course, it can also be used with the second cleansing Toner, a large piece is guaranteed to be enough to wipe the whole face, at least it is enough for my bun face After applying it 2 or 3 times, I learned later that it can be used in layers and torn apart, which will cause some lint to fall off, but not at all when used alone. # 百万积分第7季 # # 清透妆容 #
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🌸去年在大商场买的cpb化妆棉,当时跟个越南柜姐关系特别好,她说什么好用我就买什么!入了魔似的…不过每次买东西都能送很多中小样,如今人家跳槽去卖BMW了😂 🌸因为之前买了cpb家的夜乳,用手涂的话会觉得异常油腻还不好吸收,据柜姐介绍,搭配化妆棉用效果最好,而刻有cpb家的化妆棉和一般品牌化妆棉相比不便宜,号称“贵妇化妆棉”,化妆棉质地非常柔软,还异常大,比一般化妆棉更厚。 🌸价格$24/120片,不算上税每片要$0.2,我一般只用来配合她们家的夜乳使用,一次两泵,然后对折化妆棉轻轻按压一下,直接涂抹全脸,完全不会觉得油腻,而且吸收超级快,每次用完夜乳早上起来后皮肤会非常光滑柔软。当然也可以用来配合二次清洁Toner,一大张保证够抹全脸,至少配合我这包子脸还是够的😆用来湿敷会特别心疼,曾今用来敷紫水,30ml旅行装只能敷2,3次,后来才知道还能分层撕开用,撕开会有点掉棉絮,单用完全不会。 # 百万积分第7季 # # 清透妆容 #